
Perl support for WampServer

Apache version: 2.2.21

About: This is an addon for WampServer 2.2a that enables use of the Perl programming language

Where to download Perl: Strawberry Perl home page - Strawberry Perl binaries -

Manual install instructions: (assumes wamp is already installed and working)

  1. download Perl from the site listed above.
  2. Run the installer for Perl. Be sure to tell it to install the files in c:\wamp\bin\perl\perl%PERL_VERSION
  3. add c:\wamp\bin\perl\perl%PERL_VERSION%\bin to your %PATH% (a logoff or reboot maybe required)
  4. restart Wamp

Using the Installer: usage: installer.bat


  • also install mod_perl
  • integration with wampserver manager menu on systray


  • spelling/capitalization check on all files