NLP-final Project: Can We Teach a Model Twice



Install the packages in the requirements.txt file with:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Load Data and Models

Load Data and Models from Huggingface. You can modify the path in the code to change the location of the data and models.


The dataset we used are listed below:

Dataset Train Size Type
dair-ai/emotion 20k rows Text Classification
ag-news 120k rows Text Classification
samsum 14.7k rows Summarization

The model we used as backbone is T5-base.

Run the Code

Train the Model on the dair-ai/emotion dataset first, twice is not allowed.

python --model_name = t5-base --twice = False --lr = 1e-4 --batch_size = 32 --seed = 42 --epochs = 3

The arguments are listed below:

Argument Type Default Description
--model_name str t5-base the model name of the seq_class model
--twice bool False whether to fine-tune the model twice
--lr float 1e-4 the learning rate of the model
--batch_size int 32 the batch size of the model
--seed int 42 the seed of the model
--epoch int 3 the epoch of the model

Train the Model on the ag-news dataset, twice is allowed.

python --model_name = t5-base --twice = True --lr = 1e-4 --batch_size = 32 --seed = 42 --epochs = 1

Train the Model on the samsum dataset, twice is allowed.

python --model_name = t5-base --twice = True --lr = 2e-5 --batch_size = 24 --seed = 42 --epochs = 3