This PoC aims to create a RabbitMQ producer and consumer
The type of the messages to be produced are:
// QueueMessage defines the message to be sent to server
type QueueMessage struct {
Title string
Timestamp int32
First, start your RabbitMQ instance locally using docker running docker run -d -p 8080:15672 -p 5672:5672 -p 25676:25676 rabbitmq:3-management
Run go run ./goconsumer/main.go
to start the consumer. The consumer will keep listen to events on test-queue
that will be produced by goproducer
Then, run go run ./goproducer/main.go
. This'll produce a message in the queue and exit.
Meanwhile, check your RabbitMQ UI acessing http://localhost:8080/#/queues/%2F/queue-test