This is a Prometheus exporter for the air-Q, an air quality measuring device. The air-Q data is exported as Prometheus text metrics (or JSON) and can be visualized e.g. in Grafana.
The following sensors or metrics are supported:
Metric | English Name | German Name | Unit | Type | Has Error Margin? |
health | Health | Gesundheitsindex | % | double | no |
no2 | Nitrogen Dioxide | Stickstoffdioxid | µg/m³ | double | yes |
performance | Performance | Leistungsindex | % | double | no |
o3 | Ozone | Ozon | µg/m³ | double | yes |
oxygen | Oxygen | Sauerstoff | % | double | yes |
so2 | Sulfur Dioxide | Schwefeldioxid | µg/m³ | double | yes |
co2 | Carbon Dioxide | Kohlendioxid | ppm | double | yes |
sound | Noise | Lärm | dB(A) | double | yes |
sound_max | Noise (Maximum) | Lärm (Maximum) | dB(A) | double | yes |
tvoc | VOC | VOC | ppb | double | yes |
humidity | Relative Humidity | Relative Luftfeuchtigkeit | % | double | yes |
co | Carbon Monoxide | Kohlenmonoxid | mg/m³ | double | yes |
humidity_abs | Absolute Humidity | Absolute Luftfeuchtigkeit | g/m³ | double | yes |
pm1 | PM1 Particulate Matter | PM1 Feinstaub | µg/m³ | double | yes |
temperature | Temperature | Temperatur | °C | double | yes |
fahrenheit | Temperature | Temperatur | °F | double | yes |
pm2_5 | PM2.5 Particulate Matter | PM2.5 Feinstaub | µg/m³ | double | yes |
pressure | Air Pressure | Luftdruck | hPa | double | yes |
pressure_rel | Relative Air Pressure | Relativer Luftdruck | hPa | double | yes |
pm10 | PM10 Particulate Matter | PM10 Feinstaub | µg/m³ | double | yes |
dewpt | Dew Point | Taupunkt | °C | double | yes |
h2s | Hydrogen Sulfide | Schwefelwasserstoff | µg/m³ | double | yes |
n2o | Nitrous Oxide | Lachgas | µg/m³ | double | yes |
pm2_5_SPS30 | PM2.5 Particulate Matter (AUX) | PM2.5 Feinstaub (AUX) | µg/m³ | double | yes |
pm10_SPS30 | PM10 Particulate Matter (AUX) | PM10 Feinstaub (AUX) | µg/m³ | double | yes |
pm4_SPS30 | PM4 Particulate Matter (AUX) | PM4 Feinstaub (AUX) | µg/m³ | double | yes |
pm1_SPS30 | PM1 Particulate Matter (AUX) | PM1 Feinstaub (AUX) | µg/m³ | double | yes |
TypPS_SPS30 | Typical Particle Size (AUX) | Typ. Partikelgröße (AUX) | µm | double | no |
TypPS | Typical Particulate Size | Typische Partikelgröße | µm | double | no |
ch4_MIPEX | Methane | Methan | % | double | yes |
c3h8_MIPEX | Propane | Propan | % | double | yes |
tvoc_ionsc | VOC (ION Science) | VOC (ION Science) | ppb | double | yes |
radon | Radon | Radon | Bq/m³ | double | yes |
no2_insplorion | NO2 (Insplorion) | NO2 (Insplorion) | µg/m³ | double | yes |
ethanol | Alcohol | Alkohol | µg/m³ | double | yes |
iaq_spec | IAQ (SPEC) | IAQ (SPEC) | ppb | double | yes |
resp_irr_spec | Respiratory Irritant Gases | Atemwegsreizende Gase | ppb | double | yes |
nh3_MR100 | Ammonia | Ammoniak | µg/m³ | double | yes |
acid_M100 | Organic Acid | Organische Säure | µg/m³ | double | yes |
h2_M1000 | hydrogen | Wasserstoff | µg/m³ | double | yes |
no_M250 | Nitrogen Monoxide | Stickstoffmonoxid | µg/m³ | double | yes |
cl2_M20 | Chlorine | Chlor | µg/m³ | double | yes |
br2 | Bromine | Brom | µg/m³ | double | yes |
f2 | Fluorine | Fluor | µg/m³ | double | yes |
hf | Hydrogen fluoride | Fluorwasserstoff | µg/m³ | double | yes |
hcn | Hydrogen cyanide | Cyanwasserstoff | µg/m³ | double | yes |
hcl | Hydrogen chloride | Chlorwasserstoff | µg/m³ | double | yes |
ch4s | Methanethiol | Methanthiol | µg/m³ | double | yes |
clo2 | Chlorine dioxide | Chlordioxid | µg/m³ | double | yes |
cs2 | Carbon disulfide | Kohlenstoffdisulfid | µg/m³ | double | yes |
ph3 | Phosphane | Phosphan | µg/m³ | double | yes |
sih4 | Silane | Silan | µg/m³ | double | yes |
c2h4 | Ethene | Ethen | µg/m³ | double | yes |
c2h4o | Oxirane | Oxiran | µg/m³ | double | yes |
ash3 | Arsane | Arsan | µg/m³ | double | yes |
h2o2 | Hydrogen peroxide | Wasserstoffperoxid | µg/m³ | double | yes |
refrigerant | Refrigerant | Kältemittel | µg/m³ | double | yes |
ch2o_M10 | Formaldehyde | Formaldehyd | µg/m³ | double | yes |
dCO2dt | Change of CO₂ concentration | Änderung der CO₂ Konzentration | int | no | |
dHdt | Change of Humidity | Änderung der Luftfeuchtigkeit | int | no | |
measuretime | Duration of measurement | Dauer der Messung | ms | int | no |
timestamp | Timestamp | Timestamp | long | no | |
uptime | Uptime | Uptime | s | long | no |
Status | Status | Status | string | no | |
DeviceID | Device ID | Geräte-ID | string | no |
The command line application can be configured via parameters or environment variables.
Command Line Parameter | Environment Variable | Default Value | Description |
-h or --host "<host>" |
IP address or host name of the air-Q e.g. or airq.local . |
-p or --password "<password>" |
Password of the air-Q | |
-s or --port "<port>" |
8080 | Port of the webserver. The server will serve Prometheus data at http://localhost:<port>/metrics |
-h or --help |
Shows a help message | ||
-v or --version |
Shows the version |
An installation of Java > 11 is required to run this application.
Start the application from the command line by executing the following command:
java -jar airq-prometheus-exporter.jar --host "" --password "myPassword123" --port "8080"
One can also set the environment variables and call the application without arguments.
export AIRQ_PROM_EXP_PASSWORD="myPassword123"
export AIRQ_PROM_EXP_PORT="8080"
java -jar airq-prometheus-exporter.jar
At the moment there is no published Docker image on Docker Hub. However, it is possible to build the image manually.
If a Docker image exists, one can run the application with the following command:
docker run -d -e export AIRQ_PROM_EXP_HOST="" AIRQ_PROM_EXP_PASSWORD="myPassword123" AIRQ_PROM_EXP_PORT="8080" -p 8080:8080 --name air-prometheus-exporter air-prometheus-exporter
This will map the port 8080
from inside the container to the port 8080
on the outside. If you change the port with AIRQ_PROM_EXP_PORT
or --port
you also have to change the port mapping in this command.
At the moment there is no published Docker image on Docker Hub. However, it is possible to build the image manually.
Create a file docker-compose.yml
with the following content:
version: '2'
container_name: airq-prometheus-exporter
image: airq-prometheus-exporter
command: '-h "" -p "myPassword123" -s "8080"'
- '8080:8080'
The application will expose four HTTP endpoints that display the air-Q data or loaded configuration in different formats.
Serves the air-Q data as Prometheus metrics format (
text/plain; version=0.0.4; charset=utf-8
# HELP airq_timestamp Timestamp # TYPE airq_timestamp gauge airq_timestamp{device="abcdefg",} 1.707151608E12 # HELP airq_uptime Uptime (s) # TYPE airq_uptime gauge airq_uptime{device="abcdefg",} 4598.0 # HELP airq_pressure Air Pressure (hPa) # TYPE airq_pressure gauge airq_pressure{device="abcdefg",} 1006.89 # HELP airq_co Carbon Monoxide (mg/m³) # TYPE airq_co gauge airq_co{device="abcdefg",} 0.403 ...
Serves the raw unprocessed (but decrypted) air-Q data.
{"co2":[938.0,78.1],"humidity":[60.452,3.86],"TypPS":2.4,"humidity_abs":[9.759,0.49],"sound":[27.1,13.0],"sound_max":[74.6,1.9],"timestamp":1707147049000,"health":723,"dHdt":0.0,"dCO2dt":0.0,"pm2_5":[11,11],"Status":{"co":"co sensor still in warm up phase; waiting time = 177 s","tvoc":"tvoc sensor still in warm up phase; waiting time = 177 s","no2":"no2 sensor still in warm up phase; waiting time = 177 s"},"pressure":[1007.15,1.0],"pm1":[1,10],"uptime":41,"DeviceID":"abcdefg","temperature":[18.77,0.54],"measuretime":946,"dewpt":[11.142,0.77],"performance":633.849,"pm10":[11,11]}
Serves the internal representation of the air-Q data.
{ "deviceId": "abcdefg", "sensorData": { "tvoc": { "id": "tvoc", "value": 0, "errorMargin": 0 }, "co2": { "id": "co2", "value": 801, "errorMargin": 74 }, "sound": { "id": "sound", "value": 32, "errorMargin": 9.3 }, "sound_max": { "id": "sound_max", "value": 39.3, "errorMargin": 5.6 } } }
Build a runnable JAR with the following Maven command:
mvn clean package -DskipTests
Build a Docker image for the Raspberry Pi with the following command:
docker build -t airq-prometheus-exporter . --platform linux/arm64/v8
Build a Docker image for macOS with the following command:
docker build -t airq-prometheus-exporter . --platform linux/amd64
This section is incomplete and consists of notes for me to deploy the application on my Raspberry Pi.
Run the Docker image locally:
docker compose up -d
Export the image to a tar file airq-prometheus-exporter.tar
docker save --output "airq-prometheus-exporter.tar" "airq-prometheus-exporter"
Copy the image to the Raspberry Pi with scp.
scp "airq-prometheus-exporter.tar" "username@raspberrypi:~/airq-prometheus-exporter"
Import image from tar file
docker load --input "airq-prometheus-exporter.tar"
The Grafana dashboard is available at To install it in your Grafana instance, follow the instructions below:
- Open your Grafana interface and hover over the Dashboard icon on the left.
- Click the Import menu.
- Enter the id
into the text field Import via and click load. - On the following page choose your Prometheus instance and click Import.
The Grafana dashboard is also available as a JSON file in the folder grafana-dashboard
. The installation is described below:
- Download the JSON file from folder
. - Open your Grafana interface and hover over the Dashboard icon on the left.
- Click the Import menu.
- Upload the dashboard file by clicking on the button Upload JSON file
The Grafana dashboard has visualizations for the air-Q pro that comes with 14 sensors. The following metrics are supported:
Metric | English Name | German Name | Unit | Type | Has Error Margin? |
health | Health | Gesundheitsindex | % | double | no |
performance | Performance | Leistungsindex | % | double | no |
no2 | Nitrogen Dioxide | Stickstoffdioxid | µg/m³ | double | yes |
co2 | Carbon Dioxide | Kohlendioxid | ppm | double | yes |
sound | Noise | Lärm | dB(A) | double | yes |
sound_max | Noise (Maximum) | Lärm (Maximum) | dB(A) | double | yes |
tvoc | VOC | VOC | ppb | double | yes |
humidity | Relative Humidity | Relative Luftfeuchtigkeit | % | double | yes |
co | Carbon Monoxide | Kohlenmonoxid | mg/m³ | double | yes |
humidity_abs | Absolute Humidity | Absolute Luftfeuchtigkeit | g/m³ | double | yes |
temperature | Temperature | Temperatur | °C | double | yes |
pm1 | PM1 Particulate Matter | PM1 Feinstaub | µg/m³ | double | yes |
pm2_5 | PM2.5 Particulate Matter | PM2.5 Feinstaub | µg/m³ | double | yes |
pm10 | PM10 Particulate Matter | PM10 Feinstaub | µg/m³ | double | yes |
pressure | Air Pressure | Luftdruck | hPa | double | yes |
dewpt | Dew Point | Taupunkt | °C | double | yes |
TypPS | Typical Particulate Size | Typische Partikelgröße | µm | double | no |
dCO2dt | Change of CO₂ concentration | Änderung der CO₂ Konzentration | int | no | |
dHdt | Change of Humidity | Änderung der Luftfeuchtigkeit | int | no | |
measuretime | Duration of measurement | Dauer der Messung | ms | int | no |
timestamp | Timestamp | Timestamp | long | no | |
uptime | Uptime | Uptime | s | long | no |
Status | Status | Status | string | no |
This project is open source licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License. Please see the LICENSE file for more information.