Setup Prisma CLI
npm install -g prisma
Install Docker and start Prisma and the connected database by running the following command:
docker-compose up -d
To deploy the Prisma schema run:
prisma deploy
Playground of Prisma is available here: http://localhost:4466/
To start the NestJS Server run:
npm run start
Playground for the NestJS Server is available here: http://localhost:3000/graphql
Update the Prisma schema prisma/datamodel.prisma
and after that run the following two commands:
prisma deploy
prisma deploy
will update the database and for each deploy prisma generate
is executed. This will generate the latest Prisma Client to access Prisma from your resolvers.
Add or update the *.graphql
schema with Queries or Mutations.
For example:
# Add user Query to user.graphql
type Query {
user(id: ID): User
After starting NestJS this Query is available in the Playground, but will fail at the moment. This will be fixed in the next step. Add a new resolver function.
To implement the new query, a new resolver function needs to be added to users.resolver.ts
async getUser(@Args() args): Promise<User> {
return await this.prisma.client.user(args);
Restart the NestJS server and this time the Query to fetch a user
should work.