
Starting point to create a clean architecture

Primary LanguageJavaGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Pet Visits Service

This repository contains a very simple application that provides a REST interface. It lets pet owners submit and list visits and vets accept and reject visits. All visit information are stored in a (in-memory) database.

We use this project as a starting point to create and refactor to a Clean-/Onion-style Architecture.

How to build and run the pet visits service

Required technologies

To run the application, the following should be installed:

Run from source

In the command line, run the following:

git clone https://github.com/fortiss-cce/pet-visits-service.git
cd pet-visits-service
./mvnw spring-boot:run

API documentation

To see and try out the API, go to http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/

Database documentation

To have a look into the database, go to http://localhost:8080/h2-console/

Login using the following config:

Field Value
JDBC URL jdbc:h2:mem:petvisitsdb
User name sa
Password can be left empty

The config and initial data can be edited in application.yml and data.sql inside src/main/resources/.

Task - create a clean architecture

Background story

Currently, our application supports one SQL repository and one REST controller to provide both actors (pet owners, vets) the respective two use cases.

Soon, we plan to maybe add or switch to a MongoDB repository for storage and a GraphQL controller to provide the use cases.

Description and aim

The task is to add and change the classes and interfaces and to shape the dependencies in order to ease future developers these planned technology additions.


  1. Create a fork of this repository
  2. Refactor/extend the code to achieve a clean architecture
  • keep the SOLID principles in mind
  • keep the clean architecture principles in mind
    • high cohesion inside a package
    • low coupling between packages
  • Javadoc and extensive error handling can be disregarded for the purpose of this exercise
  1. Create a pull request to submit you proposals