
Mat(opencv) and QImage(Qt) conversion

Primary LanguageC++

Mat-QImage conversion

  • This project based on Qt and opencv.
  • The mwArray convert to Mat and QImage is moved to HERE.


The QImage(Qt) and Mat(opencv) can be convert to each other in this function. It can use deep copy (the data don't share the same memory) or shadow copy (the data share the same memory) to do conversion.

PAY ATTENTION: When the QImage::format == QImage::Format_RGB888, using shadow copy will change the src data, because the RGB pixel order between QImage and Mat are different.

QImage(Qt) 和 Mat(opencv) 相互转化,可以通过深拷贝(data不共用一块内存)和浅拷贝(data共用一块内存)来进行转化。

注意:当QImage::format == QImage::Format_RGB888 时,进行浅拷贝会改变src的data,Mat和QImage的RGB排序不同。

Change Log:

  • 2020.03.29

Cleaned the code and added unit test


  • 2018.12.23

Updated enum cv::ColorConversionCodes to support opencv4.0 (A lot of C API from OpenCV 1.x has been removed such as CV_BGR2RGB in opencv4.0.)

更新opencv颜色转换code,支持opencv4.0(opencv4.0移除了C API,比如CV_BGR2RGB)

  • 2018.01.09:

Set mat_qimage_convert to submodule.


  • 2018.01.08:

Changed the variable names in mat_qimage_convert and added annotation. Tested all the function and fixed a small error.


  • 2017.12.16:

Updated mat_qimage_convert.cpp and now the Mat(QImage) can be converted to QImage(Mat) by deep copy(safer) or shallow copy(faster).

更新了 mat_qimage_convert.cpp,现在Mat和QImage可以用深拷贝(更安全)或浅拷贝(更快)的方式来进行转换。

  • 2017.11.30:

Changed cv::at to cv::ptr in Mat-mwArray convert, but I didn't test it bucause I give up coding C++ with matlab.


  • 2017.11.13:

Added QImage-mwArray convert
