The codes and data of paper "Curb-GAN: Conditional Urban Traffic Estimation through Spatio-Temporal Generative Adversarial Networks".
This is the overview of Curb-GAN. The implementation is realized by Pytorch.
Since the whole dataset is huge, here we only provide sample datasets.
The sample data is located in data folder, please unzip data/ and data/ and put the corresponding data files into traffic_speed_estimation/ and taxi_inflow_estimation/ folders, respectively.
- Cuda 9.2
- pytorch 0.4.1
- Python 3.6.7
- Devices: NVIDIA GTX 1080 GPUs
- System: Ubuntu 16.04
Just take traffic speed estimation as an example:
cd traffic_speed_estimation/
.- Running the codes:
. (The parameters are defined in - The parameters of the trained model will be saved in to traffic_speed_estimation//CurbGAN_train.
The training process for taxi inflow estimation is similar.