
A best global parent pom file , you can use it in jar or war project as your maven parent pom setting

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A best global parent pom file , you can use it in jar or war project as your maven parent pom setting



The basic configuration for build setting

  1. project build coding:UTF-8

  2. maven repositories:repo2

  3. default profiles: devtestproduct. The pom think project should has three running env or build env:dev、test、product. you can specify the environment by :

    mvn -Penv[test][product] compile[deploy][jetty:run]

The default env is dev, you can get the env value in pom by ${project.environment} and in Java code by invoke Application.getRunningMode()

setting build plugin

  1. buildnumber-maven-plugin:1.3 phase:validate desc:use timestamp as build version,you can get the version value by ${timestamp} in pom.xml and get the value in Java code by invoke Application.getBuildVersion()
  2. maven-jar-plugin:2.6
  3. maven-compiler-plugin:3.3
  4. maven-war-plugin:2.0.2
  5. maven-resources-plugin:2.7
  6. maven-source-plugin:2.4 phase:deploy
  7. maven-javadoc-plugin:2.9.1 phase:deploy
  8. maven-surefire-plugin:2.7 desc: default skip test
  9. yuicompressor-maven-plugin:1.5.0 desc:compress style file: .js .css
  10. jetty-maven-plugin:8.1.8.v20121106 desc: start web project in jetty, default port 8888,you can change web port in your pom to override Settings

setting dependencies

  1. log:slf4j log4j perf4j
  2. test:junit
  3. common tools:guava、commons-lang3、httpclient
  4. json:fastjson
  5. web:jstl、javaee-api
  6. db:mysql、c3p0
  7. framework:spring、springMvc、mybatis


Cooperate with the parent pom configuration files, can read building basic information, such as building time, version number, running environment of the project

The parent pom define 3 kinds of profile:devtestproduct。If your project use the pom as parent pom,you need add peaceful-common-utils dependency in your pom file.


The peaceful-common-utils will read your build info into application.properties.

get build version


get running mode


get Running time

# you need invoke Application.loadToJVM() when your application start