🕷️ A `.git` folder exploiting tool that is able to restore the entire Git repository, including stash, common branches and common tags.
- 2
Kali环境下安装后有command not found
#41 opened by flyingrice114514 - 0
Cannot see the result
#38 opened by alasalamont - 0
- 8
Why does not work?
#26 opened by JacobOzn - 2
IsADirectoryError: [Errno 21] Is a directory: '/tmp/tmpqouh7cck/.git/objects/pack'
#27 opened by SocialCodia - 4
- 2
AssertionError: Invalid index file header: b'cons'
#28 opened by zzluca - 2
- 2
#18 opened by runshell - 6
git log -relog 版本不全
#24 opened by d4ydramer - 1
Support git pack file
#13 opened by WangYihang - 2
#19 opened by saltfish233 - 11
如何在 docker 中找回进程
#12 opened by mocker12345 - 5
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode
#14 opened by websecer - 2
git log not compelete in master branch
#23 opened by gjm-anban - 0
Vulnerabilities reported by Justin Steven
#21 opened by WangYihang - 1
Support exploiting multiple urls
#20 opened by WangYihang - 7
Disable SSLCertVerification?
#16 opened by corsch - 2
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error after success message
#8 opened by MR-pentestGuy - 8
#11 opened by mocker12345 - 0
- 6
No such file or directory
#6 opened by w2n1ck - 0
use python3 version
#4 opened by infdahai - 2
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Why another git detector/dumper ?
#1 opened by noraj