
Winter'23 CS295 Final Project: Fuzzing NetworkX

Primary LanguagePython

## Setup

## Fuzzer usage
usage: fuzzer.py [-h] [-g {0,1,2}] [-sp] [-mf] [-iso] [-l LOGGING] [-n RUNS]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -g {0,1,2}, --generator {0,1,2}
                        select graph generator (0: basic, 1: structural, 2: both)
  -sp, --shortest-path  fuzz shortest path algorithms
  -mf, --max-flow       fuzz max flow algorithms
  -iso, --isomorphism   fuzz isomorphism algorithms
  -l LOGGING, --logging LOGGING
                        log exception information to file
  -n RUNS, --runs RUNS  times to run

## Reproduce results
### Generator ZeroDivisionError
Modify graph_generator.py:86
python3 printing.py -g 1

### Shortest-path
python3 printing.py -sp -g 1

### Max-flow
Modify algorithm.py:66-67
python3 printing.py -mf -g 1

### Isomorphic
Modify algorithm.py:93-95
printing.py -iso -g 1