[ICCV 2023] SparseNeRF: Distilling Depth Ranking for Few-shot Novel View Synthesis
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LPIPS metrics
#35 opened by 2927803072 - 0
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tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loade] Could not load dynamic library ''; dlerror: 11.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory; LD_LIBRARY_PATH: / usr/local/cuda/lib
#18 opened by kafei123456 - 3
A question about the experiment
#25 opened by tourbliu - 0
Issue with TensorFlow Version Compatibility on Python 3.6.13 for Experiment Setup
#33 opened by zrr-ys - 1
#32 opened by lovejoker1102 - 2
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Extracting Mesh from Output
#30 opened by mohit-choithwani - 2
I would appreciate getting results of dtu datasets for comparison and citation purposes.
#29 opened by WangPost - 3
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Implemented by pytorch
#22 opened by XrKang - 2
About Depth Loss
#27 opened by aiyb1314 - 6
Not able to run custom data
#20 opened by sairisheek - 0
Question about losses in you paper and code
#26 opened by massyzs - 6
question about ranking loss
#24 opened by cv-lab-x - 7
Hello, I have encountered some issues while using SpareNeRF and Free+SpareNeRF.
#23 opened by myself-oriented - 6
how to train on 6 views and 9 views?
#21 opened by 52Hert-Z - 2
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Depth scales in NVS-RGBG Datasets
#19 opened by skyir0n - 5
Using Iphone images as input data
#14 opened by ForMyCat - 4
How to print with JAX when debug
#16 opened by whalien-902 - 11
Some TPU and bound error
#15 opened by fasogbon - 2
Questions about the ranking loss
#12 opened by JerryPW - 2
How to set the 'eval_dict' during rendering
#10 opened by XuM007 - 4
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A question about `distance_mean`
#9 opened by hermosaaurora - 2
code release...
#1 opened by lovejoker1102 - 10
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why are the multipliers of depth continuity loss of LLFF and DTU dataset different?
#8 opened by hermosaaurora - 5
Some questions about datasets
#7 opened by Ru1zhi - 2
What's the use of `depth_mono`?
#5 opened by hermosaaurora - 2
code release
#3 opened by chenziyi-zzz - 2