
The source code of Paper "PathQG: Neural Question Generation from Facts".

Primary LanguagePython


The source code of Paper "PathQG: Neural Question Generation from Facts".

Requires python 3 and Pytorch

pip install -r requirements.txt

Data Preprocessing

We provide our split and preprocessed data and constructed Knowledge Graphs in the processed directory. You can directly utilize it and skip the following operations. Or you can also start from the original data and preprocess it by the following steps. The original SQuAD1.1 data is downloaded from xinyadu ("Learning to Ask: Neural Question Generation for Reading Comprehension")'s github: https://github.com/xinyadu/nqg/tree/master/data/processed.

cd ../Preprocess
python read_original_data.py
python SceneGraph_Constructor.py
python Preprocessing.py

Then we need to download the word embeddings and load the data for our models.

cd original 
wget http://nlp.stanford.edu/data/glove.840B.300d.zip
unzip glove.840B.300d.zip 

cd ../../Models/Graph_Models
python SceneGraph_LoadData.py
python ../../Data/Preprocess/get_Glove_embedding.py


To train and evaluate a model,

cd Models/Graph_Models
python *_Solver.py

Here * means that corresponding model, for example, PathQG_Solver.py is the trainer and tester for PathQG model.

Code structure

  • Data contains all original and processed data, with scripts preprocessing them;
  • SceneGraphParser is an open python implementation of scenegraph parser online from https://github.com/vacancy/SceneGraphParser;
  • Models is composed of different models and their solver (trainer and test);
  • Model_Data saves the trained model files;
  • Evaluator contains scripts to calculate the evaluation metrics;

Constructed KG

The constructed Knowledge Graphs by SceneGraph Parser is provided in the directory Data/processed/SQuAD1.0/Graph_Analysis/#/enriched_scene_graphs.pkl, here # means train, val or test.