
Here you will find a data base for a Breton numbers macro.


I. Copyrights

II. Description

  • The project contains variant form to count in Breton, from the traditionnal form and most used, to the unusual one, to the newest form as thought to be more easy to learn in schools for "francophone people" but they are not recommanded to use because they are considered as difficult to understood for most of the bretons speakers.

III. How the project is organized?

  • The project is organized like this:

    • Each title of each file have in it letters as "A. 01. .., A. 02. ...".
    • If the filename contains "A." in it, it means that the forms contained in it are "classical ones to count in breton" so they will be most used.
    • If the filename contains "B." in it, it means that it is rare forms.
    • If the filename contains "C'h." in it, it means that they are for particular case.
    • And if filename contains "Ch." in it, it means that it is the neologism forms to count into breton.
    • In the future some (standardized) dialectical forms will be added and will have as letter to distinguish them "D." (for Dialect) in their filenames.
    • In the future all the files contening "E." will be files contening others stuff linked with Breton and Mathematics and counting that could not be contained in the categories above.
  • When the filename contains "incorr." the correction work isn't done.

IV. Files in this project with a link and a short description of each file

A. Classicals forms

B. Rare forms

C'h. Particular cases

Ch. Neologisms forms

V. Still working on and Coming soon

D. Dialectals forms (Coming soon)

  • D. 01. GO
    • Description: Counting in Goelo's dialectal country. The way of counting seems to be the same as standard breton.
    • Link to this file: no file.
  • D. 02. Gw
  • D. 03. K
    • Description: Counting in Kerne's dialectal country. The way of counting seems to be the same as standard breton.
    • Link to this file: no file.
  • D. 04. L
    • Description: Counting in Leon's dialectal country. The way of counting seems to be the same as standard breton.
    • Link to this file: no file.
  • D. 05. T
    • Description: Counting in Treger's dialectal country. The way of counting seems to be the same as standard breton.
    • Link to this file: no file.

E. Breton numbers, Latin, Mathematics and others



  • E. 02. Names of the basics elements in matematics in Breton.
    • Description:
    • Link to this file:

Pronunciation in Phonetical Alphabet International (PAI)

  • E. 03. Retranscription of the breton numbers into PAI.
    • Description:
    • Link to this file:

VI. The "Bretons numbers Project" is reused by

VI. Some idea to reuse this project