
API for getting user's friends cities and home towns. Can be used for guessing user's current city/home town. Can be accessed at https://cognomen.herokuapp.com/

Primary LanguagePython


Small API to get user's friends cities from VK.
This repo is based on https://github.com/WannaFight/vk-friends-cities.


Endpoint Description
https://cognomen.herokuapp.com/ Base URL
https://cognomen.herokuapp.com/cities?user=TARGET_ID&lang=LANG Returns JSON with results, send arg "lang=en" to display output in English, default = Russian

~$ curl https://cognomen.herokuapp.com 
>>> {"code":200,"content":[{"message":"Welcome to my API"}]}

~$ curl https://cognomen.herokuapp.com/cities?user=id1 
>>> {"code":204,"content":[{"message":"User https://vk.com/id1 has no friends."}]}

~$ curl https://cognomen.herokuapp.com/cities?user=cyeecespedes&lang=en
>>> {"code":200,"content":[{"current_city":"St. Petersburg","home_city":"Not specified","user":"https://vk.com/id31752625"},...]}

LANG is code for language supported by Google Translate


Flask==1.1.2 API
googletrans==4.0.0rc1 Translate names of cities to specifies language
vk==2.0.2 VK API
gunicorn==20.0.4 Server to run on heroku