
Flexible backend for getting data from Web and local NetCDF resources into R

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OpenDap Catalog

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Data Catalog · R Interface · Request Feature

One of the biggest challenges with Earth System and spatial research is extracting data. These challenges include not only finding the source data but then downloading, managing, and extracting the partitions critical for a given task.

Services exist to make data more readily available over the web but introduce new challenges of identifying subsets, working across a wide array of standards (e.g. non-standards), all without alleviating the challenge of finding resources.

In light of this, opendap.catolog provides three primary services.

1. Generalized space (XY) and Time (T) subsets for remote and local NetCDF data with dap()


dap <- dap(URL = "https://cida.usgs.gov/thredds/dodsC/bcsd_obs", 
           AOI = AOI::aoi_get(state = "FL"), 
           startDate = "1995-01-01")
#> source:   https://cida.usgs.gov/thredds/dodsC/bcsd_obs 
#> varname(s):
#>    > pr [mm/m] (monthly_sum_pr)
#>    > prate [mm/d] (monthly_avg_prate)
#>    > tas [C] (monthly_avg_tas)
#>    > tasmax [C] (monthly_avg_tasmax)
#>    > tasmin [C] (monthly_avg_tasmin)
#>    > wind [m/s] (monthly_avg_wind)
#> ==================================================
#> diminsions:  63, 48, 1 (names: longitude,latitude,time)
#> resolution:  0.125, 0.125, 1 months
#> extent:      -87.75, -79.88, 25.12, 31.12 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> crs:         +proj=longlat +a=6378137 +f=0.00335281066474748 +p...
#> time:        1995-01-01 to 1995-01-01
#> ==================================================
#> values: 18,144 (vars*X*Y*T)

str(dap, max.level = 1)
#> List of 6
#>  $ pr    :Formal class 'SpatRaster' [package "terra"] with 1 slot
#>  $ prate :Formal class 'SpatRaster' [package "terra"] with 1 slot
#>  $ tas   :Formal class 'SpatRaster' [package "terra"] with 1 slot
#>  $ tasmax:Formal class 'SpatRaster' [package "terra"] with 1 slot
#>  $ tasmin:Formal class 'SpatRaster' [package "terra"] with 1 slot
#>  $ wind  :Formal class 'SpatRaster' [package "terra"] with 1 slot


file <- '/Users/mjohnson/Downloads/NEXGDM_srad_2020_v100.nc'
utils:::format.object_size(file.size(file), "auto")
#> [1] "3.7 Gb"

dap = dap(URL = file, 
          AOI = AOI::aoi_get(state = "FL"), 
          startDate = "2020-01-01", endDate = "2020-01-05")
#> source:   /Users/mjohnson/Downloads/NEXGDM_srad_2020_v100.nc 
#> varname(s):
#>    > srad [MJ/day] (Shortwave radiation)
#> ==================================================
#> diminsions:  814, 710, 4 (names: x,y,time)
#> resolution:  1000, 1000, 1 days
#> extent:      795955, 1609955, 252005, 962005 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> crs:         +proj=aea +lat_1=29.5 +lat_2=45.5 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +u...
#> time:        2020-01-02 to 2020-01-05
#> ==================================================
#> values: 2,311,760 (vars*X*Y*T)

2. A catalog of 14,160 web resources (as of 03/2022)

#> Rows: 14,160
#> Columns: 15
#> $ id        <chr> "hawaii_soest_1727_02e2_b48c", "hawaii_soest_1727_02e2_b48c"…
#> $ grid.id   <chr> "71", "71", "71", "71", "71", "71", "71", "71", "71", "71", …
#> $ URL       <chr> "https://apdrc.soest.hawaii.edu/erddap/griddap/hawaii_soest_…
#> $ tiled     <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", …
#> $ variable  <chr> "nudp", "nusf", "nuvdp", "nuvsf", "nvdp", "nvsf", "sudp", "s…
#> $ varname   <chr> "nudp", "nusf", "nuvdp", "nuvsf", "nvdp", "nvsf", "sudp", "s…
#> $ long_name <chr> "number of deep zonal velocity profiles", "number of surface…
#> $ units     <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, …
#> $ model     <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, …
#> $ ensemble  <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, …
#> $ scenario  <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, …
#> $ T_name    <chr> "time", "time", "time", "time", "time", "time", "time", "tim…
#> $ duration  <chr> "2001-01-01/2022-01-01", "2001-01-01/2022-01-01", "2001-01-0…
#> $ interval  <chr> "365 days", "365 days", "365 days", "365 days", "365 days", …
#> $ nT        <int> 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, …

For use in other applications (e.g. stars proxy, geoknife, climateR or python/go/Rust applciations) this catalog is available as a JSON artifact here.

          simplifyVector = TRUE)

With 14,160 web resources documented, there are simply too many resources to search through by hand unless you know exactly what you want. This voids the possibility of serendipitous discovery. So, we have added a generally fuzzy search tool to help discover datasets.

Say you want to find what resoruces there are for monhtly snow water equivilent? search and search_summary can help:

search("monthly swe") 
#> # A tibble: 11 × 16
#>    id    grid.id URL       tiled variable varname long_name units model ensemble
#>    <chr> <chr>   <chr>     <chr> <chr>    <chr>   <chr>     <chr> <chr> <chr>   
#>  1 GLDAS 133     https://… ""    swe_inst swe_in… "** snow… <NA>  CLSM… <NA>    
#>  2 GLDAS 133     https://… ""    swe_inst swe_in… "** snow… <NA>  CLSM… <NA>    
#>  3 GLDAS 129     https://… ""    swe_inst swe_in… "** snow… <NA>  NOAH… <NA>    
#>  4 GLDAS 129     https://… ""    swe_inst swe_in… "** snow… <NA>  NOAH… <NA>    
#>  5 GLDAS 133     https://… ""    swe_inst swe_in… "** snow… <NA>  NOAH… <NA>    
#>  6 GLDAS 133     https://… ""    swe_inst swe_in… "** snow… <NA>  NOAH… <NA>    
#>  7 GLDAS 133     https://… ""    swe_inst swe_in… "** snow… <NA>  VIC10 <NA>    
#>  8 GLDAS 133     https://… ""    swe_inst swe_in… "** snow… <NA>  VIC10 <NA>    
#>  9 NLDAS 166     https://… ""    swe      swe     "snow wa… kg m… MOS0… <NA>    
#> 10 NLDAS 166     https://… ""    swe      swe     "snow wa… kg m… NOAH… <NA>    
#> 11 NLDAS 166     https://… ""    swe      swe     "snow wa… kg m… VIC0… <NA>    
#> # … with 6 more variables: scenario <chr>, T_name <chr>, duration <chr>,
#> #   interval <chr>, nT <int>, rank <dbl>

We could also search for daily precipitation in MACA for scenario RCP45 and summarize the results:

search("daily precipitation maca rcp45") |> 
#>         id     long_name      variable count
#> 1 maca_day Precipitation precipitation    20

Overall we see there are 20 model/ensemeble members that produced MACA daily rainfall.

(3) The ability to pass catalog elements to the generalized toolsets:

# Find MODIS PET in Florida for January 2010
dap = dap(
    catolog = search("MOD16A2.006 PET"),
    AOI = AOI::aoi_get(state = "FL"),
    startDate = "2010-01-01",
    endDate   = "2010-01-31"
#> source:   https://opendap.cr.usgs.gov/opendap/hyrax/MOD16A2.006/h10v05... 
#> tiles:    3 XY_modis tiles
#> varname(s):
#>    > PET_500m [kg/m^2/8day] (MODIS Gridded 500m 8-day Composite potential Evapotranspiration (ET))
#> ==================================================
#> diminsions:  1383, 1586, 5 (names: XDim,YDim,time)
#> resolution:  463.313, 463.313, 8 days
#> extent:      -8417233.78, -7776472.29, 2712464.3, 3447278.27 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> crs:         +proj=sinu +lon_0= +x_0= +y_0= +units=m +a=6371007...
#> time:        2010-01-02 to 2010-02-03
#> ==================================================
#> values: 10,967,190 (vars*X*Y*T)