
An extension for Trilium Notes that implements different ways of viewing collections of notes.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Collection Views

An extension for Trilium Notes that implements different ways of viewing collections of notes.

  • Board view: Displays notes in a Kanban board. Notes are grouped by some attribute and listed in columns.
  • Gallery view: Displays notes in a grid.
  • Table view: Displays notes in a table.

Table of contents


Board view

Board view screenshot

Gallery view

Gallery view screenshot

Table view

Table view screenshot


Minimum Trilium version supported: v0.46


  1. Download collection-views.zip from the Releases page.

  2. Import collection-views.zip into your tree: right-click a parent note, then select "Import into note".

  3. Reload the frontend (Menu → Advanced → Reload Frontend).


  1. Download and extract collection-views.zip from the Releases page.

  2. Replace the css and js child notes of the Collection Views note with the updated files found in the zip archive:

    • Select the css child note, click "Upload new revision", and select the Collection Views/css.css file that was extracted.
    • Select the js child note, click "Upload new revision", and select the Collection Views/js.js file that was extracted.
  3. Reload the frontend (Menu → Advanced → Reload Frontend).


  1. Create a note that will render a view:

    • Type: Render Note
    • Add a renderNote relation targeting the Collection Views note.
  2. Add a query label to the Render Note with a search query as its value. This will be executed by Trilium's search engine, and the resulting notes will be displayed in the view.

  3. Optionally, add a view label to the Render Note to select which type of view to use. By default, the table view will be used.

  4. Optionally, add labels to the Render Note to configure the view.


Render Note attributes

Views are configured by adding labels to the Render Note.


  • Optional (default: table)
  • Single value

Selects which view to use. Possible values:

  • board
  • gallery
  • table

Example: #view=board


  • Required
  • Single value

A search query that will be executed using Trilium's search engine. The notes returned by this search are the notes that will be included in the view.

The following tokens may be used inside of a search query. Tokens are replaced with attributes of the Render Note prior to executing the search.

  • $id or $noteId: The Render Note's ID.
  • $title: The Render Note's title.
  • $renderNote.name: An attribute of the Render Note, where name can be the name of an attribute, a property, or a related note's attribute.
    • If multiple values are found, then the token will be replaced with the first value that was found.
    • If an attribute is not found, then the token will be replaced with an empty string.

When a token is replaced, the value will be surrounded by double quotes ("value").


  • #query="#book #status=read" would include all notes having a book label and a status label set to read.
  • #query="#book #status=$renderNote.status" would include all notes having a book label and a status label that has the same value as the Render Note's status label.
  • #query="~parent.noteId=$id" would include all notes having a parent relation targeting a note having the same ID as the Render Note itself.


  • Board views only
  • Required
  • Single value

Determines the columns of a board view. The value of this label has the same format described in attribute settings.

  • If the attribute is a label, then notes are grouped by their values for that label.
  • If the attribute is a relation, then notes are grouped by the notes targeted by that relation.

Columns are sorted by the specified attribute. Custom sorting is supported.

Most attribute settings are supported for formatting the values displayed in column headers.


  • #groupBy=status would group notes by their values of the status label.
  • #groupBy=status,badge would additionally format column headers as badges.


  • Optional
  • Single value

Sorts notes in the view. The value of this label is a comma-separated list of names of attributes, properties, or attributes of related notes. Names can be prefixed with ! to sort values in descending order.

  • If an attribute is a label, then notes are sorted by their values for that label.
  • If an attribute is a relation, then notes are sorted by the titles of notes targeted by that relation.

Values are sorted alphabetically and case-insensitively.

Notes are sorted by their titles last, and this is the default sort when no sorting is specified. Custom sorting is supported.

Example: #sort="type,!price" would sort notes by their type values first, then by price (in reverse order), then by their titles.


  • Gallery views only
  • Optional (default: 4)
  • Single value

Sets the number of columns in a gallery view.

Example: #columns=8


  • Board views only
  • Optional (default: 250)
  • Single value

Sets the width of a board view's columns in pixels.

Example: #columnWidth=100


  • Board and gallery views only
  • Optional (default: 120)
  • Single value

Sets the height of card cover images in pixels. Setting this to 0 hides cover images.

Example: #coverHeight=500


  • Optional
  • Multiple values

Configures which attributes will be displayed in the view and how they should be formatted.

  • For board and gallery views, attributes appear underneath the cover image.
  • For table views, attributes appear as additional columns in the table.

By default, attribute values will be shown as plain text. For labels, the label's value will be shown. For relations, the titles of target notes will be shown.

Attribute settings control how the attribute's values are formatted.

Attribute settings

Labels that support attribute settings (#attribute and #groupBy) have a value that is a comma-separated list.

The first item in the list is a name of an attribute, a property, or a related note's attribute.

Any remaining items in the list are settings (described in the following sections) either in the form of a flag (settingName) or a key/value pair (settingName=value).

Note properties

There are some special attribute names (prefixed with $) which refer to a note's properties instead of user-defined attributes.

The following properties are treated as a label with a single value:

  • $id or $noteId: The note's ID.
  • $title: The note's title.
  • $type: The note's type.
    • As of Trilium v0.58, the possible types are: book, canvas, code, contentWidget, doc, file, image, launcher, mermaid, noteMap, relationMap, render, search, text, webView
    • The following types existed in older versions of Trilium: note-map, relation-map, web-view
  • $mime: The note's content type, such as text/html.
  • $contentSize: The size of the note's content in bytes.
  • $dateCreated: The date and time when the note was created.
  • $dateModified: The date and time when the note was last modified.

Date properties are in RFC 3339 format (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.sssZ) and use UTC for the time zone.

Example: #attribute=$dateModified

Attributes of related notes

Instead of an attribute name, you can specify a "path" that refers to an attribute of a related note. This allows for using attributes of notes that are targeted by a note's relations.

A path consists of one or more names separated by a period (.). The last name in the path must be an attribute name or a property name. All other names in the path must be relation names.


  • #attribute=company.employee.name would find all attributes named name defined on all notes targeted by the employee relation defined on all notes targeted by the company relation defined on a note.
  • #attribute=tag.$dateModified would find the modification dates of all notes targeted by the tag relation defined on a note.


  • Table views only
  • Optional (default: left)

Sets the text alignment of cells in the attribute's column. This can by any CSS text-align value such as center or right.

Example: #attribute="price,align=right"


  • Optional

Renders this attribute's value as a badge.

Badge colors can be customized in two ways:

Example: #attribute="status,badge"


  • Optional

Sets the background style of badges for this attribute. Any CSS background style can be set. If set, the badge setting is implicitly enabled.

If this attribute is a relation, notes targeted by this relation can set the badgeBackground attribute to override this style. See custom badge colors.

Example: #attribute="status,badgeBackground=red"


  • Optional

Sets the font color of badges for this attribute. Any CSS color can be set. If set, the badge setting is implicitly enabled.

If this attribute is a relation, notes targeted by this relation can set the badgeColor attribute to override this style. See custom badge colors.

Example: #attribute="status,badgeColor=black"


  • Not supported by groupBy
  • Optional

Renders the attribute's value as a checkbox.

The checkbox will be checked unless the attribute's value is one of the following (case-insensitive):

  • f or false
  • n or no

If the attribute's value is empty, the checkbox will also be checked.

Example: #attribute="done,boolean"


  • Table views only
  • Optional (default: the attribute's name)

Sets the text displayed in the header cell of the attribute's column.


  • #attribute="price,header=Price (in dollars)"
  • #attribute="status,header=" will display an empty header cell.


  • Optional

Formats the attribute's value as a number (inserting thousands separators).

Example: #attribute="price,number"


  • Optional

Adds a string in front of the attribute's value.


  • #attribute="price,prefix=$"
  • #attribute="total,prefix=Total: "


  • Optional (default: up to 3 digits)

Sets the number of digits displayed after the decimal point when the attribute's value is formatted as a number. If set, the number setting is implicitly enabled.

Example: #attribute="price,precision=2"


  • Not supported by groupBy
  • Optional

Renders a progress bar. The attribute's value will be the numerator. The value of this setting refers to the attribute whose value will be used as the denominator. It can be the name of an attribute, a property, or a related note's attribute.

Both attributes must be labels with numeric values.

Example: #attribute="completed,progressBar=total" — For a note having the attributes #completed=5 #total=10, this would display a progress bar that is 50% full.


  • Optional

Renders the value as a string repeated depending on the attribute's numeric value.

Example: #attribute="rating,repeat=⭐"


  • Not supported by progressBar
  • Optional (default: space for boolean and badge attributes, comma otherwise)

Sets the string inserted between values when an attribute has multiple values. This can be one of the following values:

  • newline: Inserts a newline between values, resulting in one value per line.
  • comma: Inserts a comma and space (, ) between values.
  • space: Inserts a space ( ) between values.

Or, it can be a custom separator. If this setting is not set to one of the above values, then the setting's value will be inserted as is between values.


  • #attribute=description,separator=newline
  • #attribute=author,separator=comma
  • #attribute=tag,separator= |


  • Optional

Adds a string behind the attribute's value.


  • #attribute="weight,suffix=kg"
  • #attribute="price,suffix= CAD"


  • Table views only
  • Optional (default: text is not truncated)

Truncates long text to some number of lines. If set as a flag, text is truncated to a single line. Otherwise, the setting's value specifies how many lines. If set, the wrap setting is implicitly enabled.


  • #attribute="description,truncate" (truncate to single line)
  • #attribute="description,truncate=3" (truncate to three lines)


  • Table views only
  • Optional (default: 300 for note title, 0 for attributes)

Sets the minimum width (in pixels) of the attribute's column. Columns may be resized proportionally since tables are set to 100% width.

Example: #attribute=status,width=100


  • Table views only
  • Optional (default: text does not wrap)

Toggles text wrapping. If enabled, long text in a column will wrap to multiple lines. For tables that scroll horizontally, setting a width will avoid text getting squashed into a very thin column.

Example: #attribute=description,wrap

Escape sequences

Escape sequences in setting values begin with a backtick (`). The following escape sequences are supported:

  • ``: Backtick
  • `,: Comma

Since settings are separated by a comma, the most common use for escape sequences is for escaping a comma so that it can be used literally in a setting that accepts arbitrary text.

Example: #attribute=position,header=X`,Y would display a header containing the text "X,Y".


The board and gallery views display an optional cover image for each note.

  • For text notes, the first image found in the note's contents will be used as the cover.
  • For image notes (image files uploaded to Trilium), the image itself will be displayed as the cover.
  • For other note types, no cover will be displayed.

Custom badge colors

When an attribute is a relation, its badge colors can be customized by adding certain labels to the note targeted by the relation:

  • badgeBackground can be any CSS background value, such as colors or gradients, to set the badge's background style.

  • badgeColor can be any CSS color value to set the badge's font color.

Screenshot showing these labels defined and the result.

Custom sorting

Custom sorting is achieved by defining a sortableTitle label on a note. When notes are sorted by their titles, their sortableTitle is used for comparison if it is defined, otherwise their actual title is used.

This is useful in a couple ways:

  • Ignoring leading articles like "The", "A", or "An". For example, a note titled "The Example" with #sortableTitle=Example would appear under E instead of T.

  • Numeric sorting. Alphanumerically, "Note 10" would be sorted before "Note 2". If you set #sortableTitle="Note 02" on Note 2, then it will appear in numeric order above Note 10.

Including views in notes

Views can be included in text notes using the Include Note feature.

Screenshot showing a view included in a note and the Include Note feature in the editor toolbar.

CSS variables

The following variables can be changed by themes or custom CSS:

body {
  --collection-view-margin: 10px;
  --collection-view-table-border-color: #bfbfbf;
Name Description
--collection-view-margin Outermost margin applied to all views.
--collection-view-table-border-color Table border-color for table views.