This is a python wrapper of UCSC liftover tool. Commandline tool liftover_py can take PLINK .bim file or other text input, run liftover and return converted output follow the original format.
- LiftOver must be installed/downloaded. Check LiftOver executable on UCSC genome browser website.
- Input file can be PLINK .bim or general text file, must uses tab as delimiters
- Now only commandline version of liftover_py is avaialable.
# --chr_id_pos is not needed if input file is PLINK .bim format
python \
--input input_file \
--output output_file \
--output_path ./inputs \
--chain_file hg19ToHg38.over.chain.gz \
--liftover ./liftOver \
--chr_id_pos 0:1:2