
Indigenous p2p collaboration tool

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Natakanu - Visit Each Other

Build Status

À propos / About

Natakanu est un outil de création collaboratif.

Ce logiciel a été conçu pour permettre le transfert de fichiers (de tout type) selon une architecture pair-à-pair (Hypercore et dat:// protocoles).

Il a pour objectif la création, la diffusion et la valorisation de ressources audiovisuelles autochtones (données, sons-images, vidéos, code, etc.)

Natakanu fonctionne en ligne comme hors ligne et s’inscrit dans une démarche de décolonisation du cyberespace.


Natakanu is a collaborative tool. This file transfer software is built on the Hypercore and dat:// peer to peer protocols.

It aims to increase accessibility to tools for sharing, collaboration and transmission of Indigenous cultures, knowledge and artistic expressions.

Natakanu works offline and online. This local first software embodies our approach of de-colonized cyberspace.

Demo Gif of Natakanu


Ce logiciel est une réalisation de Wapikoni Mobile, Uhu Labos Nomades et du Bureau de l’engagement communautaire de l’université Concordia. Projet financé dans le cadre de l’Entente sur le développement culturel de Montréal conclue entre la Ville de Montréal et gouvernement du Québec.

This project is made possible thanks to the collaboration of Wapikoni mobile and its technical team, Uhu Labos Nomades (Indigenous media arts training project working with Indigenous youth) and Concordia University’s Office of Community Engagement. This project was funded under the Montreal cultural development agreement between the city of Montreal and the government of Quebec.

Wapikoni Mobile Uhu Concordia University Mauve Software Inc.

Quebec Montreal

Error Installing on Mac OS?

Please follow this guide to enable the app on Mac OS.



  • Make sure you have the following installed:
  • Clone the repo with git clone git@github.com:Wapikoni-Technique/Natakanu.git
  • Load the directory with cd Natakanu
  • Use yarn to install dependencies
  • Use yarn dev to start up dev folder.
  • This project uses React and Electron for it's user interface
  • Please open a GitHub issue if you want to propose a change to the app before working on a pull request
  • /app/ contains all the application code
  • /app/core contains the main p2p code
  • /app/containers contains React container components which load data and provide actions to child components
  • /app/components contains React components that are made to be purely UI focused. Most of them don't have state. Use individual CSS files for components
  • /app/Routes.js is where the top level of the navigation lives if you want to add a page
  • /app/localization contains the translations for the app. If you see a translation or text that needs to change, find it in en.json or fr.json

How to release a new version

  • Modify the version field inside package.json and app/package.json with your new version
  • Run git commit -am "Version VERSION_HERE" to save the changes. VERSION_HERE should be the version like 4.2.0
  • Run git tag vVERSION_HERE to save the version in Git's history (this will be used by Travis to know when to make a new version). E.g. git tag v4.2.0
  • Run git push && git push --tags to send all your changes to github
  • Wait for the Travis Build to finish
  • Go to the [Releases](https://github. com/Wapikoni-Technique/Natakanu/releases) page and edit the text for the release / press "Publish release" to send it out.
  • You can manually build the executibles with yarn package

Code of Conduct

Please abide by the guidelines of the Contributor Covenant 2.0 when engaging with this community.