Kowshid - a bot for your Discord server!

Kowshid is a bot that can send message to the defined text-channels of of a discord server.


As there's a pandemic ongoing and we are having our M.Sc. classes online, we required something that will remind that we have classes with the appropriate links. So, I implemented this bot that sends message at the course channels at the scheduled time that is 15 mintues prior to the start of the class.

How I Approached

  • The bot is basically a Node.js server.
  • A list of objects has been defined where the each object represents a course. They have time, class links, name etc.
  • The guildId of the discord server has been provided. The channel list can be fetched using this.
  • discord.js has been used to connect to the server.
  • Once connected, the ready event is fired where we schedule to send messages in the defined text channels using Cron.
  • The bot has been deployed to repl.it