
AS-P is a pilot project for the complex air supply project with aims to centralise the warehousing and distribution of medical supplies such as pharmaceutical products, surgical supplies and blood products.

Primary LanguagePython



  • Python >3.5
  • pipenv 2018.10.9
    • To install pip install pipenv

How to start app

  • Activate virtual environment by pipenv shell
  • Install dependencies by pipenv install --ignore-pipfile
  • Start web server by python manage.py runserver
  • Access web app at
  • Access admin at
  • When you are done, exit virtual environment by exit

User Accounts

  • Admin
    • Username: admin@propelsystems.com
    • Password: propel123
  • Clinic Manager
    • Username: waqas.abbasi@outlook.com
    • Password: propel123
  • Warehouse Personnel
    • Username: david@propelsystems.com
    • Password: propel123
  • Dispatcher
    • Username: piyushjha0999@gmail.com
    • Password: propel123

How to change models

  • Change your models (in models.py of respective app).
  • Run python manage.py makemigrations to create migrations for those changes
  • Run python manage.py migrate to apply those changes to the database.
  • Register model to admin interface so we can access/modify objects from the backend. For example, a model Category was created in /supplies. To register the model add the following lines to /supplies/admin.py:
    • from .models import Category
    • admin.site.register(Category)

How to install packages

  • Use pipenv instead of pip to install whatever package you want e.g pipenv install requests