[GitHub Support] - [GitHub] DMCA Takedown Notice - https://github.com/bxlcity/Book_Pentesting

We're giving you 1 business day to make the changes identified in the following notice:


If you need to remove specific content from your repository, simply making the repository private or deleting it via a commit won't resolve the alleged infringement. Instead, you must follow these instructions to remove the content from your repository's history, even if you don't think it's sensitive:


Once you've made changes, please reply to this message and let us know. If you don't tell us that you've made changes within the next 1 business day, we'll need to disable the entire repository according to our GitHub DMCA Takedown Policy:


If you believe your content on GitHub was mistakenly disabled by a DMCA takedown request, you have the right to contest the takedown by submitting a counter notice, as described in our DMCA Takedown Policy.

PLEASE NOTE: It is important that you reply to this message within 1 business day to tell us whether you've made changes. If you do not, the repository will be disabled.