
The wargame written in golang

Primary LanguageGo

WarGame Go

This is a Golang port of @ryanmr's infamous WarGame kinda-sorta benchmark.

Disclaimer: This is a kinda-sorta benchmark and as such, it should not be taken too seriously.


You can view the changelog, that hopefully mentions major differences between versions.


You will definitely want to read WarGame's output — there are descriptions and discussions of the methods and statistics used are available in the legend.

How To Run

To run the executable directly:

./wargame-go [number of threads] [multiplier]
  • number of threads: how many go routines or threads should the benchmark use
  • multiplier: how much less or additional time should the default (60 seconds) duration be altered; this is multiplicative.
    • 1x: 10s priming, 50s sampling
    • 1.5x: 15s priming, 75s sampling
    • 3x: 30s priming, 90s sampling

If the arguments are not specified, they will both default to 1.

How To Compile

Clone this repository to your Go workspace and install it.

mkdir -p ~/{go workspace}/src/github.com/ryanmr/wargame-go/
go install

Alternatively, run this inside of the repository's directory:

go build

You can use the generated binary:


Sample Output

➜  wargame-go git:(release-alpha) go build        
➜  wargame-go git:(release-alpha) ./wargame-go 4        
WarGame Go
settings: threads = 4; multiplier = 1.00

4. done                                                                 	
Samples:      8651
Mean:	  13.38033
Median:	  13.49081
S.D.:	   0.23374
C.O.V.:	   0.01747
μ-Median:	 <  13.38033 -  13.49081 > Δ   0.11048
Min-Max:	 <  12.67879 -  13.69475 > Δ   1.01596
1-σ:		 <  13.14659 -  13.61407 > Δ   0.46747
99.9% CI:	 <  13.37206 -  13.38860 > Δ   0.01654
Threads: 4
Multiplier: 1.00
Speed: 13.44045 g/ms
Games: 807112
Duration: 60.0s
Rank: (3/5) B
Rank Criteria: 4 | 1 | 2
Score: 13