
Project Gevorderd Programmeren 2019 - 2020

Primary LanguageC++

Space Qubes

Project Gevorderd Programmeren 2019 - 2020

Build Status


  • The player loses the game when he has no more lives left or when the Qubes reach te bottom of the screen.
  • The player wins when he survives all the waves provided in the 'data' folder.
  • Try to survive as long as possible!


  • arrow keys or Q an D (azerty) to move left and right
  • space to shoot
  • escape to pause
  • Enter to play


  • All waves are customisable. To add a new wave, add a 'waveX.json' file to 'data/waves'.
  • In a wave, you can customise:
    • the wave title
    • the wave speed
    • the amount of rows
    • the distance between rows
    • the amount of enemies in a row
    • the type of an enemy (different types have different abilities and defaults):
      • 'default': a normal enemy
      • 'ghost': becomes invisible
      • 'witch": may send your bullets back at you
    • the shooting cooldown of an enemy
    • the speed of the enemy's bullet
    • the enemy's horizontal speed
    • the enemy's dimensions
    • the amount of lives of an enemy
    • the amount of points the player gets for killing the enemy
  • None of the customizable values are required except for 'rows' and have defaults.
  • All of the numerical values in the json file are interpreted as floats that are multipliers to the default values.
  • See some files in 'data/waves' for examples.

Used assets: