Create and update BB repositories


To remove variables or service accounts for a repo, do not remove the variable configuration from the BB repo configuration files, as this will not make the variables disappear in BB.

Instead, add the state property and set it to absent. If the state property already exists and is present, change it to absent.


  • Use of:
    • aws-account-config and Service Accounts to generate the required credentials in the AWS Bastion account and roles to assume in the functional AWS accounts
    • bb-aws-utils in the pipelines to set AWS credentials based and AWS roles inside the BB pipeline container
  • Credentials on the Bastion AWS account and a role with permissions to read from the AWS SSM Parameter store
  • BB API Token with at least these permissions:
    • Account (required for the v1.0 REST calls)
      • Read
      • Write
      • e-mail
    • Repositories:
      • Read
      • Write
      • Admin
    • Pipelines:
      • Read
      • Write
      • Edit variables
  • BB OAuth consumer with at least these permissions (See here for instructions to create the OAuth consumer):
    • Repositories:
      • Read
      • Write
      • Admin
    • Pipelines:
      • Read
      • Write
      • Edit variables
  • Snyk token
  • Run playbook with envvar OBJC_DISABLE_INITIALIZE_FORK_SAFETY=YES on Mac to avoid following error:
TASK [Get client_id for BB authentication from AWS SSM] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
objc[91589]: +[__NSCFConstantString initialize] may have been in progress in another thread when fork() was called.
objc[91589]: +[__NSCFConstantString initialize] may have been in progress in another thread when fork() was called. We cannot safely call it or ignore it in the fork() child process. Crashing instead. Set a breakpoint on objc_initializeAfterForkError to debug.
ERROR! A worker was found in a dead state

How it works?

  • Retrieve the SSM Secrets with the names bb_client_id and bb_client_secret for OAuth2 authentication with BB from the organization's bastion account.
  • Retrieve the SSM Secrets with the names bb_user and bb_apitoken for basic authentication authentication with BB from the organization's bastion account.
  • The name of the SSM parameters should be:
    • bb_client_id
    • bb_client_secret
    • bb_user
    • bb_apitoken
    • snyk_auth_token
  • The config repository for the managed AWS organization should have a file named sa_bb_config.yml in the root directory. This file looks like this:
  account_id: "123456789012"
aws_default_region: "eu-central-1"
{% for include_file in bb_repo_config_include_files | default([]) %}
{%   include 'include/' + include_file %}

{% endfor %}
  - name: "repo1"
      - name: "ACCOUNT_A"
        state: "present"
      - name: "ACCOUNT_B"
        state: "present"
      - name: "MY_VAR"
        value: "My Value"
        secured: "yes"
      - name: "MY_OTHER_VAR"
        value: "My other value"
  - name: "repo2"
      - name: "ACCOUNT_A"
        state: present
        role_to_assume: "a_not_default_role"
      - name: "ACCOUNT_B"
        state: absent
      - name: "ACCOUNT_C"
        state: "present"
  • Repo config files can also live in ./include/** in the BB config repository for the managed AWS organization. That allows you to have a single configuration file per managed BB repository. That's why the for loop is in sa_bb_config.yml. The content of the files to be included should be indented with the correct number of spaces to guarantee that the generated content is correct YAML. The name of the YAML files to include should match the name of the repository, because the includes are filtered on limit_bb_repo as well.
  • Retrieve the <ACCOUNT>_ACCESS_KEY_ID, <ACCOUNT>_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and <ACCOUNT>_ACCOUNT_ID from SSM parameter store, and use the values to populate the BB pipeline variable.
  • When cloning bb-aws-utils and sourcing lib/load.bash, AWS credentials and config files will be created. The first account in the service_account_list list will also be the default AWS profile. To use any of the other profiles defined in SA-ACCOUNT_LIST, set and export AWS_PROFILE in your pipeline step.
  • When project_key is not defined, the repo create/update task will be skipped to support old repo configs that do not have that property. This behaviour will be deprecated in a future version.


Tags are used to:

  • Speed up the process by limiting the actions to what changed.
  • Avoid that the BB API call rate is exceeded.

Following tags are supported:

  • bb_permissions: Apply group permissions only.
  • bb_serviceaccounts: Apply all repository variables related to AWS Service Accounts.
  • bb_rotate_credentials: When the Service Account credentials in the Bastion account are updated (this should be done regularly), the BB repository Service Account variables should be updated as well. Otherwise, the pipelines will not be able to assume the required permissions.
  • bb_customvars: Apply custom environment variables only.
  • bb_ssh_keypair: Apply the SSH key-pair only.
  • bb_datadog: Apply the DataDog integration environment variables DD_API_KEY, DD_APP_KEY and DD_API_HOST.
  • bb_snyk: Apply the Snyk token used to integrate Snyk checks in pipelines,

The configuration file

Property Description
aws_default_role The role that will be assumed on the target account when using the Service Account credentials.
aws_default_region The default region for the AWS profiles
bitbucket_username The name of the BitBucket workspace to use
bastion_account_id The account ID of the Bastion account
sts_role The ServiceAccount role to assume on the Bastion account
project_key The key of the project the repository should be assigned to
repos[] The list of repos to manage
* <n>.group_permissions Group permissions to add to the repo
** <m>.group_slug The Group Slug to grant permissions for
** <m>.privilege The privilege to grant, should be one of read, write or admin
* <n>.service_account_list List of dicts for the accounts for which to create BB pipeline variables
** <m>.name The name of the account, this will be used to retrieve the secrets from the SSM Parameter store
** <m>.role_to_assume The role to assume on the account, defaults to cicd
** <m>.state present (default) or absent, create or remove the BB pipeline variables for this account
* <n>.custom_vars List of name/value dicts to create other BB pipeline variables
** <m>.name The name of the variable
** <m>.value The value of the variable
** <m>.state present (default) or absent, create or remove the BB pipeline variables for this account
** <m>.secure Is this a secure variable (yes) (will not show in BB) or not (no - default)
branch_restrictions List of branch restrictions, see BB API docs for the syntax (and should be converted to YAML)
branching_model Branching model to apply, see BB API docs for the syntax (and should be converted to YAML)
reviewers Default reviewers to add if different from the global default reviewers in sa_bb_config.yml
language Optional, defaults to java (java, javascript, nodejs, typescript, shell, python, ...

What it does

The goal is to fully manage the lifecycle of a BitBucket repository.

  • Create or update the repository
  • Set branch restrictions if the repository has just been created
  • Set branching model (Work In Progress)
  • Set group permissions
  • Create a template file (and implicitly the mastrer branch)
  • Set the project language (default java)
  • Enable pipelines, but only if the service_account_list property is set.
  • Set pipeline environment variables:
    • For AWS SA accounts if the service_account_list property is set.
    • Custom variables

The branch_restrictions and branching_model can be specified:

  • Somewhere as a toplevel variable bitbucket.default_branch_restrictions or bitbucket.default_branching_model.
  • The toplevel config can be overridden in the repository configuration.

The BB group default-reviewers (if it exists) will always be granted write permissions on a repo, as the group members should be able to review repo PRs.

The toplevel property bitbucket.default_reviewers is also required, as they are configured as the default reviewers for a repository. When you want to remove a user from the default reviewers list, change the state to absent rather than removing it from the list entirely. In the latter case, the user will remain in the default reviewers list when updating the repo config. Can be overridden by specifying the reviewers property in the repo definition.

    - uuid: "{user uuid}"
      name: "Firstname Lastname"
      state: "present"

An example sa_bb_config.yml

This file should exist in the organization repo that contains all configuration. The name of that repo typically is bb-repo-config-<org>.

aws_default_region: "eu-central-1"
# aws_default_role is the last part in arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/ServiceAccount/cicd
aws_default_role: "cicd"
bitbucket_username: "workspace"
bastion_account_id: "123456789012"

    - uuid: "{...}"
      name: "Name"
      state: "present"
{% for include_file in bb_repo_config_include_files | default([]) %}
{%   include 'include/' + include_file %}

{% endfor %}


aws_default_region: "eu-central-1"
# aws_default_role is the last part in arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/ServiceAccount/cicd
aws_default_role: "cicd"
bitbucket_username: "workspace"
  - name: "my-repo"
    project_key: "PROJ_KEY"
      - group_slug: "good-project-developers"
        privilege: "write"
      - group_slug: "bad-project-developers"
        privilege: "read"
      - group_slug: "project-admins"
        privilege: "admin"
      - name: "TOOLING"
      - name: "DEV"
      - name: "STG"
      - name: "PRD"
      - name: "A_VARIABLE"
        description: "A variable"
        value: "a value"
        secret: "false"
      - name: "A_SECRET_VARIABLE"
        description: "A secret variable"
        value: "a secret value"
        secret: "true"
  - name: "my-other-repo"
    project_key: "PROJ_KEY"

An example include/.../my-repo.yml

As previously mentioned, the default branching model and branch restrictions can be defined in the organization config file sa_bb_config.yml.

  - name: "my-repo"
    project_key: "PROJ_KEY"
      - group_slug: "good-project-developers"
        privilege: "write"
      - group_slug: "bad-project-developers"
        privilege: "read"
      - group_slug: "project-admins"
        privilege: "admin"
      - name: "TOOLING"
      - name: "DEV"
      - name: "STG"
      - name: "PRD"
      - name: "A_VARIABLE"
        description: "A variable"
        value: "a value"
        secret: "false"
      - name: "A_SECRET_VARIABLE"
        description: "A secret variable"
        value: "a secret value"
        secret: "true"
      - kind: push
        branch_match_kind: glob
        pattern: "master"
          - uuid: "{user uuid}"
      - kind: push
        branch_match_kind: glob
        pattern: "hotfix/*"
          - uuid: "{user uuid}"
      - kind: delete
        branch_match_kind: glob
        pattern: "master"
      - kind: delete
        branch_match_kind: glob
        pattern: "hotfix/*"
      - kind: force
        branch_match_kind: glob
        pattern: "master"
      - kind: force
        branch_match_kind: glob
        pattern: "hotfix/*"
      - kind: require_passing_builds_to_merge
        branch_match_kind: glob
        pattern: "master"
        value: 1
      - kind: require_passing_builds_to_merge
        branch_match_kind: glob
        pattern: "hotfix/*"
        value: 1
      - kind: require_approvals_to_merge
        branch_match_kind: glob
        pattern: "master"
        value: 1
      - kind: require_approvals_to_merge
        branch_match_kind: glob
        pattern: "hotfix/*"
        value: 1
      - kind: require_default_reviewer_approvals_to_merge
        branch_match_kind: glob
        pattern: "master"
        value: 1
      - kind: require_default_reviewer_approvals_to_merge
        branch_match_kind: glob
        pattern: "hotfix/*"
        value: 1
      - kind: reset_pullrequest_approvals_on_change
        branch_match_kind: glob
        pattern: "master"
      - kind: reset_pullrequest_approvals_on_change
        branch_match_kind: glob
        pattern: "hotfix/*"
      use_mainbranch: true
      use_mainbranch: true
      - kind: "release"
        prefix: "release/"
      - kind: "hotfix"
        prefix: "hotfix/"
      - kind: "feature"
        prefix: "feature/"
      - kind: "bugfix"
        prefix: "bugfix/"

Related repo's

  • bb-repo-config: The Ansible playbook.
  • bb-repo-config-<organization>: The custom configuration, should be in a (very) private repository.
  • ansible-bb-repo-config: To build and push the Docker container used to deploy all this. The container does not contain Ansible playbooks or configuration, only the tools and environment to correctly deploy.