
A small .NET Library for Global Hotkey binding. Updated to .NET 6.0

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A small .NET Library for Global Hotkey binding. Built upon @mrousavy's original .NET Framework library Hotkeys and reimagined for .NET 6


See the Hotkeys.Example project for a more complicated example demonstrating the HotkeyService and how to handle some edge cases that come up when implementing a KeyDown listener to let a user choose their own hotkeys.

Simple Example

using Hotkeys;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Input;


Hotkey key = new(
    key: Key.S,
    window: this,
    modifiers: (ModifierKeys.Control | ModifierKeys.Alt),
    description: "Heavy Duty Save Hotkey",
    action: hotkey => MessageBox.Show($"{hotkey.Name} was pressed!"));

