
This is port of [nickvergessen]'s phpBB Gallery

Primary LanguagePHP

#phpBB Gallery

Build Status

© 2012 - nickvergessen

© 2014 - Lucifer

Welcome to phpBB Gallery version 1.2

This is direct port of nickvergessen's phpBB Gallery 1.1.6 for phpBB 3.0. As he has no time to support it or to port it, I have taken this on my self. The phpBB Gallery is very good project and I use it heavily. This is why I can't leave it and just wait for someone to port it or to create alternative.

#Add ons

  • Exif
  • ACP Import
  • ACP Cleanup


As I said the 1.2 version will be primarly targeted as backword compatible with phpBB Gallery 1.1.6 MOD (DB will be the same but you will have to manualy move your images to the new location). 1.2 will incorporate TRAVIS-CI tests (all my projects do).

1.2.1 will be where the code clean up, new features and core separation will occure. I will strive to keep everything bakword compatible.

Regards, Stanislav Atanasov

P.S.: You can get more support here - Forum