
A brief parser for the US Tax Code

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

A brief generic parser for the entire US Code made by Ignacio Brasca.


Go into root folder and open a terminal and throw this command:

python main.py -h

As you can see, you can use any parameter that you want, you can skip one or use all of it.

Example code of using to get the part VI of the Title 26

python main.py -title 26 -subtitle A -chap 1 -subchap B -part VI

Once you run the script, you get all the information into data folder

Tools used

  1. AnyTree (https://github.com/c0fec0de/anytree)

  2. BeautifulSoup


You need to run:

pip install -r requirements/requirements.txt

To install all the requirements