- 0
Overhaul Unity lists and trees
#49 opened by Warlander - 1
- 0
- 3
Keybind customization doesn't exist in any capacity, input system overall could use a rework
#19 opened by jackwright-ual - 0
Research Cinemachine for better camera handling
#46 opened by Warlander - 2
- 0
Overhaul Unity list and tree elements
#45 opened by Warlander - 0
Screenshot feature
#44 opened by Warlander - 3
Modals move around faster on drag then the mouse
#43 opened by KSunyo - 3
Target Height input field enhancement
#42 opened by KSunyo - 2
- 0
Research use cases for new outline system
#41 opened by Warlander - 0
Consider changing how program loads data - switch from StreamingAssets to asset bundles
#40 opened by Warlander - 0
Refactor model and mesh handling
#39 opened by Warlander - 0
Improve input handling for all camera types
#33 opened by Warlander - 7
Remove single object
#24 opened by midnightsyntax - 1
- 1
Switch to new Unity input system
#31 opened by Warlander - 0
Separate logic and UI of updaters
#37 opened by Warlander - 1
Improve tile border visibility so they don't stick out this much when zoomed out
#36 opened by Warlander - 0
Borders feature
#35 opened by Warlander - 0
Mirroring feature
#34 opened by Warlander - 0
Mine Doors flipped and flipped.
#7 opened by Splutty - 0
Steam release
#32 opened by Warlander - 0
Overhaul map saving/loading system
#25 opened by Warlander - 1
Optimize heightmap handles
#5 opened by Warlander - 1
Status question
#21 opened by graviaDaemon - 0
- 1
- 2
error when entering fences
#6 opened by mastarck - 1
- 10
- 3
item placing problem in WU and 3d mode
#1 opened by Nytetears