Game-Pocket Mrs. Pacman

The Lobby Page.

Tired of having to go to 40 different apps to play a game? Well look no further, Game-Pocket is here to save the day! With Game-Pocket you can hop in a lobby with friends or strangers to play some games or just chat!

The Profile List.

Built with the MERN stack, Game-Pocket is perfect for any occasion! Want to gossip with a friend? Game-Pocket! Play a quick game at the airport? Game-Pocket! Create a fun group-chat? GAME-POCKET IS HERE!

Contributors 👥

Technologies used 💾

  • React
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Git
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • Express
  • Mongoose

Ice Box 🧊

  • Add real-time display of messages
  • Add Tic-Tac-Toe
  • Full responsive design for mobile use
  • Add animation to all pages
  • Leaderboard for games
  • Private messages
  • Password protected rooms