
Provides a "composer lock" service as a Python Flask app in a docker container.

Primary LanguagePython

docker composer-lock service (flask app)


Provides a "composer lock" service as a Python Flask app in a docker container.

To use the service, upload a composer.json file to a specified endpoint uri. The result will be the updated contents of the composer.lock file.

Supported endpoints:

  • /update: Runs a composer update on the provided composer.json file.
  • /update&project=org/name: Runs composer update on the specified project(s) only.

Upload files:

  • Upload composer-json to supply the composer.json file (required).
  • Upload composer-lock to supply an initial lock file (optional).

Additional flags may be provided via curl:

  • prefer-source
  • prefer-dist
  • prefer-stable
  • dev
  • no-dev
  • with-dependencies

The following options are assumed:

  • --no-autoloader
  • --no-scripts
  • --no-interaction
  • --no-plugins

No other composer options may be set when using this service.

Build & Push

  • Run make build for local testing.

This project has been registered on quay.io; push to the master branch to automatically update :latest for the container.

Run local

Start container:

$ docker run --rm -p 5000:5000 quay.io/pantheon-public/composer-lock
 * Serving Flask app "main"
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Curl it:

$ curl localhost:5000
# Composer lock service running on 85d3082ca94f

If you want to know the exact IP address of the local docker image, you can use:

docker-machine ip default

(assuming default is the name of your docker-machine instance)

Use this if localhost does not work for local testing.

Run on Kubernetes

See examples/kubernetes directory for files. Customize to suit (optional), then run:

$ cd examples/kubernetes
$ kubectl apply -f deploy.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f service.yaml
$ kubectl get services composer-lock

Access the service via the address shown in the "External IP" column.

Example client usage

$ export COMPOSER_LOCK_SERVICE = composer-lock.example.com
$ alias composer=/path/to/composer-lock-docker/examples/scripts/composer

$ composer update

Example service usage

Upload a composer.json to get a composer.lock back:

$ curl -F 'composer-json=@/path/to/project/composer.json' localhost:5000/update
    "_readme": [
        "This file locks the dependencies of your project to a known state",
        "Read more about it at https://getcomposer.org/doc/01-basic-usage.md#composer-lock-the-lock-file",
        "This file is @generated automatically"
    "content-hash": "c755802dc01c48c0f80de1866ba616c5",
    "packages": [

Pass the 'prefer-source' option:

$ curl -F 'composer-json=@composer.json' -F 'prefer-source=1' localhost:5000/update

TODO: Provide an existing lock file, and update just one project with its dependencies:

$ curl \
  -F 'composer-json=@composer.json' \
  -F 'composer-lock=@composer.lock' \
  -F 'project=org/name' \
  -F 'with-dependencies=1' \