
Rotate your website pages in a fun way

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Make switching between pages more fun on your website.

The CSS and Javascript can be downloaded from the download folder !



Link to the Demo

Feel free to inspect the HTML and other code to view how Polytate can be used.

Polytate options used in demo:
Right Polytate

		appendTo		: 'hor',
		orientation		: $PT.HORIZONTAL,
		reverse			: false,
		context			: '#hori'

Left Polytate

		appendTo		: 'ver',
		orientation		: $PT.VERTICAL,
		reverse			: true,
		context			: document.getElementById('vert'),
		preLoad			: true


The script generates, when you look at it from the top side, a convex polygon.
That also explains the name Polytate, Polygon rotate. Apologies if I'm use the terms in an incorrect way.
You'll notice that I use the word convex a lot, it's the set of panes (pages) which make the convex polygon.
The script works for n number of panes, 1...n.

  • 3 panes results in an triangle
  • 4 panes = square
  • 5 panes = pentagon
  • ...


First you'll need to add this css and javascript in head tag of your HTML page.

	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/polytate.css" media="screen" />
	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/polytate.min.js"></script>

The pages you want to use need to be links, elements in HTML, I call them items. They also need to have this class: "polytate-item". When the same link is used in the same context, they'll point to the same pane.

	<ul id="menu">
		<li><a href="one.html" class="polytate-item">One</a></li>
		<li><a href="two.html" class="polytate-item">Two</a></li>
		<li><a href="three.html" class="polytate-item">Three</a></li>
		<li><a href="four.html" class="polytate-item">Four</a></li>

At the bottom of the page you can create a Polytate instance, you can do this by calling the method "createInstance" defined in the global object Polytate or $PT

	Polytate.createInstance(); //OR $PT.createInstance();


These are all optional.

Option Values/Types Description
appendTo string The element the polygon should be appended to, the string must be the ID of an element.
context Node, NodeList or selector A context where the instance should search its items, with class="polytate-item". The selector is limited to CSS2 selectors.
forceReload true or false Always force reloading a page on rotation or item click.
preLoad true or false Preload all the pages into the polygon. Attention: This doesn't work in browsers which don't support 3d, you could create a fallback by using the $PT.loadPage() function when the site is loaded.
beforeRotate function An callback function which needs to be executed before the polygon starts rotating.
orientation $PT.HORIZONTAL or $PT.VERTICAL The orientation of the rotation and panes. $PT.HORIZONTAL uses rotation around the x-axis and $PT.VERTICAL around the z-axis.
reverse true or false Reverse the rotation.

Options example

	var options = {
		appendTo		: 'page', //Append to the element with ID "page"
		orientation		: $PT.VERTICAL, //Use vertical rotation
		reverse			: true, //Reverse the rotation
		context			: document.getElementById('menu'), //Append to the element with ID "menu"
		preLoad			: true //Preload all the pages
	Polytate.init(); //This is OPTIONAL, if not present the first creation will handle the initialization
	Polytate.createInstance( options );


The polygon rotates in the order the items are positioned in the HTML, when you push the second item it'll rotate clockwise to the second pane. When you go from the first to the last pane it won't do the whole rotation back to the beginning but it goes directly from the first to the last. This means it rotates counterclockwise and clockwise if you go from the last to the first.

The position of the panes gets calculated at 2 events, once upon creation and also when the screen size changes.
The rotation doesn't change the panes but rotates the entire polygon.

When an item is clicked and the pane is loaded the class polytate-selected will be added, which enables you to style the selected item.

While loading a page, an element with the class polytate-loader will be added to the desination pane untill the page is fully loaded.

If the content of a pane is higher than the pane itself the class polytate-scrollbar will be added to that pane. The default css for that class is margin-right: -15px;.


  • jQuery (tested version: v1.10.2)

Browser support (tested)

With 3d support:

  • Google Chrome : 31.0.1650.63 m
  • Mozilla Firefox : 25.0.1 & 26.0
  • Opera Next : 19.0.1326.21
  • Safari : 5.1.7 (7534.57.2)
  • Opera : 18.0.1284.68

Without 3d support:

  • Internet Explorer 8 - 11


Klaas Van Parys


Licensed under MIT. Have fun.