
Material for the July 2018 "Introduction to GPU programming" summer school at the University of Warwick

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Examples and teaching material for the July 2018 "Introduction to GPU programming" summer school at the University of Warwick.

To run the notebooks you will need a CUDA capable GPU card. The examples use double precision arithmetic and assume a GPU with a compute capability of 2.0 or higher. The school was conducted using Kepler K20c and K80 hardware.

This software is available on all Linux hosts managed by the Scientific Computing Research Technology Plaform at the University of Warwick via environment modules,

On the (old) CentOS 7 desktop use:

$ module load GCC/10.2.0 CUDA/11.1.1 OpenMPI/4.0.5 Python OpenBLAS numba CuPy Pillow IPython matplotlib

One new (new) Rocky 9 desktop use:

$ module load GCC/11.3.0 OpenMPI/4.1.4 CUDA/11.7.0 Python numba CuPy Pillow IPython matplotlib

Porgs are cool.