
:bulb: Lighting stock catalogue

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Tech Crew Lighting Stock Catalogue

Based on newtheatre/lx

Jekyll based site to catalogue theatrical lanterns, colour filters and gobos. Built as a replacement for gel-view.



Stock lists are stored in YAML files within the _data/ directory.

  • For gels edit file _data/gels.yml:

    • code, the filter code e.g. L201.
    • name, the filter name e.g. Full C.T. Blue.
    • description, a short description of the colour surrounded with quotes to allow the use of special characters.
    • color, a hexadecimal representation of the colour without the hash prefix.
    • stock, the stock levels of the filter.
      • sheet, number of sheets held.
      • cut, rough number of pre-cut filters held.
  • For lanterns edit file _data/lanterns.yml, the format hasn't been finalised yet.

Updating library from leefilters.com

The script _bin/lee_scrape.py will load colour data, names and descriptions from LEE's catalogue. _data/gels.yml will be read in and updated where colours are present.

Adding stocktake data

Type out, or use a spreadsheet program to write _stocktake/cut.csv and _stocktake/sheet.csv. Cut has three columns (none, some, many) whereas sheet has one which is unlabelled. Type out codes as you count, i.e. three L201s would be L201 repeated three times on their own line.

Once CSVs are complete run _bin/stocktake.py, the script will warn if it's adding colours the data file has no name or colour information for.


This project is designed to be hosted using GitHub Pages and requires some knowlege of Git. To use this project for your own venue:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Modify (or delete) CNAME, this specifies what host to serve the pages at - see the Pages documentation for more information.
  3. Modify the _config.yml changing Tech Crew specific values to that of your venue.
  4. Modify the data files - see the editing section.