COSMOS - Creative Optimization System for Modular Output Generation

MIT LicenseMIT

Cosmos - Creative Optimization System for Modular Output Generation

Cosmos is a flexible and versatile framework inspired by Blender's Geometry Nodes. It provides a node-based system for procedural generation and manipulation of 3D geometry. With Cosmos, developers can create complex procedural workflows to generate, modify, and animate geometry in a visual and intuitive manner. It empowers artists and developers to create dynamic and customizable assets, simulations, and effects with ease.


  • Exposed Parameters WIP
  • Custom Inspector WIP
  • Accept Scene Objects Somehow (Graph is not scene asset)
  • Add Nodes Similar To Blender Geometry Nodes
  • Runtime Graph Processing (Completely Procedural Scenes)
  • Procedural mesh creation

Nodes (GO is game object):

  • Input Nodes (bool, float, vector, material, GO, etc.)
  • Output Nodes (mesh out, material out, transform out)
  • Join Nodes (join meshes, join strings)
  • Procedural Textures (noise, voronoi, checker, etc.)
  • Distribute Points on Face
  • Material Nodes (Set Material, Set Pass)
  • Transform Node
  • Instance Nodes
  • Math Nodes
  • Boolean Math Nodes
  • Vector Math Nodes
  • Debug Nodes

Under Consideration:

  • Volume Nodes
  • SDFs (Signed Distance Fields)
