
C++ University course

Primary LanguageC++

C++ programming classes problmes

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After cloning please replace badges with your project's badges

For travis replace in the README.md micwypych with your nickname from github and cpp-exercises with your project name on github For appveyor, go to the settings -> badges -> sample markdown code and replace second badge code

CLion CMakeLists.txt template

In order to create new solution faster one can define template file in CLion based on CMake template. To add that template one has to right click in project menu choose New from pop-up menu and and then Edit File Templates.... In new dialog File and Code Templates click green plus and copy paste template.

To use it just click again New and then it should show up in the list. The final step is to specify name which must be CMakeLists.txt and space seperated name of the testing class name e.g. reverse string