
This repository contains source code for a gradle plugin called gradle-license-guard. It's able to generate a report of the licenses of your 3rd party dependencies. I developed it to have an automated way to generate such reports and to remove the manual work.

It all started as a tryout for Kotlin language so feel free to contribute if you want :)


This section describes how you can use the Plugin. It will not create a default task so you need to create one by your own. An example can be seen below. You don't need to specify parameters but in case you want some minor customizations you can specify the following:

Parameter Purpose Type Example Default
projectName You can add a custom project name if you want String projectName="myProject" project.name
licenseMap If the plugin can't determine the license you can add it manually here Map licenseMap= ["myjar-2.jar":"someLicense"] ""
logo Define a custom logo url which will then be inserted into your report String logo="${project.projectDir.path}/mylogo.png" ""
excludedDependencies Define dependencies which shall not appear in the report. You can use simple Regex List excludedDependencies=["custom.*"] ""
outputFormat Define the output format. It can be "pdf" or "rtf" String outputFormat=pdf pdf
configuration Define for which gradle configuration the report is String configuration=runtime runtime

Build script snippet for use in all Gradle versions:

buildscript {
  repositories {
    maven {
      url "https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/"
  dependencies {
    classpath "gradle.plugin.de.waschndolos:gradle-license-guard:1.2.0"

apply plugin: "de.waschndolos.licenseguard"

Build script snippet for new, incubating, plugin mechanism introduced in Gradle 2.1:

plugins {
  id "de.waschndolos.licenseguard" version "1.2.0"

Configure a task

task createThirdPartyLicenseReport(type: de.waschndolos.gradle.licenseguard.LicenseReportTask, dependsOn: build) {
    projectName = "My Project"
    licenseMap = ["spring-boot-1.5.9.RELEASE": "Some License", "slf4j-api-1.7.25": "Some Other License"]          
    logo = "${project.projectDir.path}/myLogo.png"
    excludedDependencies = ["custom-jar.*", "postgresql.*"]
    outputFormat = "pdf"
    configuration = "runtime"

The report will be generated in build/report/-report.

Important information

This plugin has only been tested in a couple of environments. If you encounter an issue let me know or provide a pull request. Thank you :)


This is an open source software licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0. Feel free to open issues or pull requests.