Selenium in der Cloud direkt mit JavaScript

See ./init.bash for information on how to setup the project.

Slides can be found here.


npm install
npm run test:chrome

Running only one single test

If you want to run only one test, in this example only tests from the file test/e2e/direct_integration_test.js, do this:

./node_modules/.bin/nightwatch -c config/nightwatch.local.conf.js -e chrome --test test/e2e/direct_integration_test.js

You can also run your local e2e tests with different browsers using Browserstack.

Support for BABEL

npm install --save babel-core babel-preset-env babel-register

Add require('babel-register')(); on the first line of your Nightwatch.js config (cf. config/nightwatch.remote.conf.js:1)


You can run all E2E tests with different setups using Browserstack. Tests use our remote server at where the latest release is deployed to.

Both commands require you to have your Browserstack credentials ready. You can find them here.

To test with only a specific browser, do this:

ENV_USER=your-browserstack-user ENV_KEY=your-browserstack-key ./node_modules/.bin/nightwatch -c config/nightwatch.remote.conf.js -e ff52

The -e parameter should contain the id of the test setting to launch with. In this case ff52. For all available test settings check the objects inside the file config/nightwatch.remote.config.js

Browserstack dev tests

You can run the tests on your local http://localhost:8080/ in different browsers using BrowserStack. To do this, download BrowserStackLocal, install and run the application. Create a build with npm run build and start the server with npm start. Finally, get your browserstack credentials and run (for chrome57):

ENV_USER=your-browserstack-user ENV_KEY=your-browserstack-key ./node_modules/.bin/nightwatch -c config/nightwatch.localhost-remote.conf.js -e chrome57

For possible test settings see above section.

To run tests in batch trigger this command:

npm run browserstack:remote-localhost