
Kubevirt Web UI / Web Interface Manager

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Website: kubevirt-manager.io
Maintainers: feitnomore

Simple Angular Frontend Web UI Interface to operate Kubevirt. This tools lets you perform basic operations around Virtual Machines, Virtual Machine Instances, Virtual Machine Pools and Disks. It was built based on requirements I had for my own environment.
For a Quick Start, go to our website https://kubevirt-manager.io/

WARNING: Use it at your own risk.


I've created this Frontend for KubeVirt while I was trying to learn a little bit of Angular. Basically this tool uses kubectl proxy to proxy API requests to kubeapiserver. To handle the Disk/Volume part, the tool works through CDI.
For a Quick Start, go to our website https://kubevirt-manager.io/ as we provide a bundled.yaml file that has the basic setup.


Kubevirt featureGate ExpandDisks is required.

CDI is required with featureGate HonorWaitForFirstConsumer active:

    - HonorWaitForFirstConsumer

StorageClass features WaitForFirstConsumer and allowVolumeExpansion are required:

volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
allowVolumeExpansion: true


Create the Namespace

$ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/ns.yaml

Create the Service Account and RBAC

$ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/rbac.yaml

Create the FrontEnd Deployment

$ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/deployment.yaml

Create the Priority Classes

$ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/pc.yaml

Create the FrontEnd Service

kubectl apply -f kubernetes/service.yaml


To integrate kubevirt-manager with prometheus, you need to edit kubernetes/prometheus-config.yaml and adjust your endpoint on line 21. After adjusting the endpoint, apply the configmap:

$ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/prometheus-config.yaml

This integration was tested using prometheus-operator. A ServiceMonitor descriptor to integrate KubeVirt with prometheus-operator has been provided as an example at kubernetes/servicemonitor.yaml. Note that you need to set the namespace on the ServiceMonitor accordingly and you need to update your KubeVirt resource to reflect the namespace as well:

  monitorNamespace: monitoring

You will need to restart (delete) the Pod or redeploy the solution for the changes to take effect.

Note: The tool assumes Prometheus is exposing the following metrics: kubevirt_vmi_storage_write_traffic_bytes_total, kubevirt_vmi_storage_read_traffic_bytes_total, kubevirt_vmi_network_transmit_bytes_total, kubevirt_vmi_network_receive_bytes_total, kube_pod_container_resource_requests and kubevirt_vmi_memory_domain_total_bytes. These metrics are exposed by KubeVirt and kube-state-metrics.
Note: Due to the introduction of NGINX Authentication support, the configmap changed a bit, make sure you review it.


To add nginx with basic-auth, you need to edit kubernetes/auth_secret.yaml and add your htpasswd file contents in base64 to the secret. The provided example has a single entry which username is admin and password is admin. You are encouraged to create your own file and replace in the secret.
An example of how to get the base64 of your file is:

$ cat htpasswd-file | base64 -w0

After adjusting secret contents, apply the configmap and the secret:

$ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/auth-config.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/auth-secret.yaml

You will need to restart (delete) the Pod or redeploy the solution for the changes to take effect.

Note: If you had previous versions of Prometheus integration make sure proxy_set_header Authorization ""; is present on your Prometheus ConfigMap. You may use kubernetes/prometheus-config.yaml as a reference to make sure your ConfigMap looks ok.
Note: You may also want to check htpasswd documentation for extra help on creating and managing the file.


To use the tool, you can either use kubectl port-forward on port 8080, use a Service with type NodePort or LoadBalancer, or, create an Ingress for your service.
Note: As the tool needs Websocket support, if you are using an Ingress make sure you set it up accordingly.



Virtual Machines:

Node Pools:

Instance Types & Network:

Data Volumes & Load Balancers:

VNC Screen


To build the tool simply run:

docker build -t your-repo/kubevirt-manager:version .
docker push your-repo/kubevirt-manager:version

Building & Running Locally

To build the tool run:

npm install
ng build

To run the tool:

kubectl proxy --www=./dist/kubevirtmgr-webui/ --accept-hosts=^.*$ --address=[::] --api-prefix=/k8s/ --www-prefix=

Access the tool at: http://localhost:8001/

Note: Make sure your kubectl is pointing to the right cluster.
Note: Make sure the account your kubectl is using has correct RBAC.
Note: This method doesn't support Prometheus integration.
Note: This method doesn't support NGINX basic_auth.


  1. kubevirt-manager.io
  2. Kubernetes
  3. Kubectl
  4. CDI
  5. KubeVirt
  6. NodeJS
  7. Angular
  8. AdminLTE
  9. NoVNC
  10. Prometheus Operator
  11. kube-state-metrics
  12. KubeVirt Monitoring
  13. NGINX basic_auth


kubevirt-manager.io is licensed under the Apache Licence, Version 2.0.