
Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

To run this program, install jdk1.5 or higher. After you have installed jdk1.5, double click run.bat file to run the program(in windows). for more referance see: "Readme(How To Run).txt" file.

Morale: To keep notes is one step to keep life organized;one step for success and find errors of ownself.

This software is used to keep track of daily notes ensuring security of the notes. Also special files can be saved as a quick referance. After you have completed writing your note press Ctrl+S to save. Press F5 to get time. Press F1, F2, F3 or F4 to view corresponding special files. Press F9 to view today's note. You can navigate to the upper "Browse" TAB to view old files. When you are on the Browse tab, double click on the tree nodes(FILES) repeatedly to expand the nodes.


You can customize your copy of this program using the Settings.txt file. Before modifying the settings file keep a backup copy of the original file; as invalid setting file may cause this program to not work. In the settings file, every first line is a key and second line is the value of that key. Do not change the key, only change the value (the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th line, and so on ) Encryption technique is used in the program. This makes your files ambiguous to others. Change the encryption password if needed but change the password only once (before you have started to use this program). Or you can change the value of the key: "useDefaultEncryptionPassword" to "no". In that case, this program will always prompt you for entering password(key) every time this program is run. It is upto you whether you keep your password in settings file or provide it every time this program runs. If you do not change the settings file at all this program will use the key "password" as a password(according to the default settings). You can also change the date/time format if you like.

WARNING: If password(key) is invalid then the letters will be in a format which is not readable by you. In that case, do not save the document; Otherwise that document will be corrupted. So, if needed keep a backup of your notes.

Password Note: If you are sure that your pc is secure, you can keep your password in Settings.txt file.

Sample date/time format: [%1$Td-%1$Tb-%1$TY %1$tI:%1$tM%1$Tp %1$Ta(GMT+6)] or [%1$Td/%1$Tm/%1$Ty %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS %1$TA(+6GMT)] or %1$tA, %1$tB %1$Td %1$TY %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS:%1$tL

Programmed by Wasiqul Islam e-mail:(islam.wasiqul@gmail.com)