Backend Debugging Task

This material accompanies the RESTful APIs lecture.

This app was created with @command-shift/create-backend-app

How to set up

Clone and run npm install

To run the tests run npm t or npm test


Debug tasks 1 - 8 have errors only in the app.js file, don't change any of the tests for these tasks.

Debug tasks 9 - 11 could have errors in the debugging.test.js file as well as the app.js file

Do not change code anywhere else.

In the test file change xit to it to run a test. It is recommended to do this one test at a time otherwise there will be a lot of errors in the terminal. Once the test is passing you can move on to the next one.

The aim of this task is to see what error is being generated and to use this information to help correct the code.

If you do not understand an task, or get stuck, ask a mentor for help.