
Wassbox is a very easy to use multi-protocol proxy client.

The advantage over other multi-protocol clients is that it's very easy to get started and doesn't even require a tutorial. The disadvantage is that it is not customizable.



Shadowrocket is very simple and complete. wassbox is compatible with shadowrocket subscription method, which means that any link that can be subscribed to by shadowrocket is also supported by wassbox.

  • Detect the latest subscription link when subscribing and update it for next time.
  • More subscription information.
  • Multilingual
  • Excellent compatibility
  • Cross-platform
  • Ad-free
  • Elegant UI
  • High stability
  • TUN Mode
  • Deeplink


Shadowrocket and Singbox are excellent products. We use singbox core and in theory we support most of Shadowrocket protocols.

  • Shadowsocks
  • Shadowsocks 2022
  • Shadowsocks Obfs
  • Shadowsocks R
  • Vmess
  • Trojan
  • Vless
  • Hysteria2
  • ...



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