TP Software Testing - GL4 2021/2022

Python unit testing

Can be found under python-unit-and-int-testing/unit-tests

  • To launch tests and retrieve coverage

    cd python-unit-and-int-testing/unit-tests
    make init
    make unit-tests

Python integration testing

Can be found under python-unit-and-int-testing/integration-tests

  • To launch tests and retrieve coverage

    cd python-unit-and-int-testing/unit-tests
    make init
    make integration-tests

e2e testing

Can be found under e2e-tests/cypress/integration/scrap.spec.js

  • To launch tests (scrapping)

    cd e2e-tests
    npm install
    node_modules/.bin/cypress run
    node_modules/.bin/cypress open . # To debug


Example can be found under uat-example

Full guide can be found here