Greetings everyone in the custom cod community.
This blender addon should finally enable exporting of custom assets from blender to the xmodel format. There used to be another addon for blender that did this, but it suffered from UV mapping bugs and has not been updated to work with the new version of blender.
Currently the addon only supports static objects with no bones, and does not support multiple materials.
The addon panel can be found in the "Render Properties" tab:
If this is your first time installing an addon with blender downloaded from github, the following steps will guide you through the process:
To get the latest stable version of the addon, navigate to the releases panel on the right side of this page:
Next you'll want to download the zip file. Addons in blender are usually packaged in .zip files. There is no need to unzip this file.
Once the zip file is downloaded, you'll want to open blender and navigate to your user preferences.
From there you'll want to go to the add-ons menu, and then click the Install button
Find the directory where your zip file was downloaded to, and then install it with blender