This is a program designed to find all the prime numbers between 2 and a given number.
findprimes [threads] [method] [n] [outputFile]
You can tell the program to use multiple threads by providing a number for threads. If the number of threads is invalid, the program will exit with an error.
You can tell the program to use a specific method by providing a character for method. For methods you can choose between '0' '1' '2' '3' '4'.
0 stand for Trial Division.
1 stand for Sieve of Eratosthenes.
2 stand for Sieve of Euler.
3 stand for Sieve of Sundaram.
4 stand for Incremental Sieve.
n stand for the upper limit of the primes you want to find.
outputFile is the file that you want the primes to be output.
Requires cmake.
git clone && cd findPrimes
cmake -S . -B ./cmake-build && cmake --build ./cmake-build
findPrimes 32 1 2147483648 primes.txt