
Your Tlauncher trap is also catching ATLauncher

b0bst3r opened this issue · 10 comments


Whilst I totally agree with your TLauncher assessment, ATLauncher is a well respected launcher and doesn't have a sordid history of keyloggers/malware/virus background.

Any chance you can fix this?

thanks for the report
i blame AT to have a similar name of TL, but yeah, i can fix it

in 2 days update

also SKCraftLauncher is getting caught in the same bug

Hey, you fixed this for sklauncher but not "skcraftlauncher" Could you please revise and fix. I appreciate you.


Should not
Please send me your modlist

The mod list is not needed.

Your code allows for (SKLauncher) which doesn't matter because our launcher is called (SKCraftLauncher)
Why it gets caught is because your code is looking for "tlauncher" so it catches "skcrafTLAUNCHER)

public boolean tlauncher() { // FOLDER VALIDATION - Avoid ATLauncher and SKLauncher (for some reason) String f = new File("").toPath().toAbsolutePath().toString().toLowerCase(); boolean tlauncher = f.contains("tlauncher"); boolean atlauncher = f.contains("atlauncher"); boolean sklauncher = f.contains("sklauncher");

SKLauncher should be replaced with skcraftlauncher

public boolean tlauncher() { // FOLDER VALIDATION - Avoid ATLauncher and SKcraftLauncher (for some reason) String f = new File("").toPath().toAbsolutePath().toString().toLowerCase(); boolean tlauncher = f.contains("tlauncher"); boolean atlauncher = f.contains("atlauncher"); boolean skcraftlauncher = f.contains("skcraftlauncher");

The Tlauncher trap needs some overhauling to avoid Non-tlauncher false-positive (and address some Tlauncher movements to Also avoid our trap)

Added on my to-do list

i'm on tlegacy (not tlauncher) and i'm getting caught by the trap, should i kill myself?

why do you guys use so many cursed launchers 😐

i live under a bridge and im poor.

  1. this was fixed in 2.0.40
  2. no support to TLegacy