Library and API for Multimedia, Powered by LibVLC. Working on pure JAVA and all Minecraft Modloaders
Pinned issues
- 2
Cannot Load VLC on windows 11
#114 opened by HiYOU-bot - 0
- 3
- 3
Mac is garbage
#112 opened by AntoNipples - 2
"directsound audio output error" in Log
#95 opened by TheRedGear - 0
- 1
FFMPEG support
#52 opened by SrRapero720 - 1
- 1
help, crash on startup
#111 opened by gamdexian - 1
No m3u8 support
#110 opened by commet24 - 0
Expansion for Image support
#109 opened by SrRapero720 - 1
custom static server hosting made in Node.js
#91 opened by SrRapero720 - 0
Expansion for platform support
#90 opened by SrRapero720 - 2
[1.19.2] Game randomly freeze and crash
#73 opened by PinguiFabgeeklab - 3
Fork java-youtube-downloader
#45 opened by SrRapero720 - 1
Migrate to Java 17
#54 opened by SrRapero720 - 1
Rid off common compress
#80 opened by SrRapero720 - 0
Removal of OperativeSystem class
#85 opened by SrRapero720 - 2
- 3
YouTube not working for streams and videos
#92 opened by joveaaron - 1
1.12.2 all Versions was deleted???
#107 opened by Mike74846 - 3
"Watermedia has failed to load correctly".
#105 opened by LucasPersonS - 5
- 1
youtube issues
#102 opened by realspinelle - 1
Water media on server
#101 opened by Lautiacuna - 5
- 2
Watermedia cannot find vlc on linux
#99 opened by OpalSoPL - 5
error: cannot run WATERMeDIA for FORGE
#71 opened by ALR2310 - 1
2.1.0 crashes when I try to look at tv
#97 opened by mxnmnm - 4
#86 opened by RoyalOughtness - 2
Volume cannot be changed on macOS
#88 opened by andriihorpenko - 1
TLauncher ≠ TL Legacy
#94 opened by Lambdasond - 2
Vulkan Mod Compatability
#93 opened by Zorklis - 4
- 9
Mod doesnt detect VLC on linux
#67 opened by WX580 - 2
- 1
Make submodules independant
#68 opened by SrRapero720 - 2
NeoForge 1.20.4?
#76 opened by mikedrugs - 1
- 13
Cannot load VLC installed via Flatpak
#79 opened by Mark6O9 - 4
[Linux] Watermedia cannot find libvlc on snap
#50 opened by LetterN - 2
- 1
Crash from the 2.0.52 version
#72 opened by Greg727 - 1
WaterMedia Update Support of 1.12.2
#70 opened by Titoo8899 - 15
- 10
Your Tlauncher trap is also catching ATLauncher
#49 opened by b0bst3r - 6
Issues with VLC on Linux
#46 opened by xanedarel - 4
77 gbs worth of logs
#48 opened by footLoosely - 3
Incompatible with Valkyrien Skies (incompatible Jackson version shaded)
#43 opened by brisingraerowing - 0
Game crash
#44 opened by Theyulu