Telegram Bot for adding series/movies to Sonarr/Radarr or for changing the download speed of Transmission/Sabnzbd
- 1
German translation is bad / wrong
#167 opened by 2-click - 2
- 1
Adding tags
#144 opened by Rkso0 - 7
TypeError: string indices must be integers, not 'str'
#145 opened by figgzs - 3
Forward movie files to add
#165 opened by uniextra - 14
Finds, but does not add series "Unfortunately, it was not possible to add the series. To start a new search, enter - films"
#159 opened by bulletproof2k - 1
- 0
sonarr bug
#162 opened by PrometheusSourse - 0
Add movie url
#161 opened by urtaevS - 0
Can´t start the bot
#160 opened by MikzG - 1
ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence
#158 opened by flags8192 - 1
requests.exceptions.MissingSchema: Invalid URL 'None': No scheme supplied. Perhaps you meant https://None?
#157 opened by bulletproof2k - 1
Add Support for qBittorrent Commands
#148 opened by raaifr - 12
Adding a series flow
#156 opened by s0041464 - 6
Container failing when trying to add a movie
#155 opened by heisenberg2980 - 3
addarr does not raise from synology
#154 opened by edupufpuf - 7
Error "You are missing configkeys in your config.yaml-file. Add these before restarting the bot."
#152 opened by heisenberg2980 - 2
Config Problem
#153 opened by cyb3rgh05t - 1
IndexError when search for movie title "The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare" [BUG]
#151 opened by RPWouters - 3
- 1
Problem adding series at season selection
#150 opened by nithou - 1
Error at chosse Quality
#149 opened by Antxis77 - 1
- 1
Russian translation
#113 opened by olegosipenko87 - 3
Authentication Error
#142 opened by jjscaria - 4
Bot Won't Accept Certain User Inputs
#134 opened by spiveym - 0
addar in docker-compose does not open
#135 opened by Rubiooo04 - 6
Docker container on Synology keeps crashing
#121 opened by TheGianni - 6
Docker not starting
#141 opened by pedropalencia - 1
- 1
- 5
- 4
Crash while looking up movie
#128 opened by schoentoon - 2
Some Series with too much Seasons and Episodes are causing list index out of range
#114 opened by mac-110 - 2
#131 opened by nir750 - 2
telegram settings
#130 opened by nir750 - 0
telegram settings
#129 opened by cr-NirShtendig - 0
French translation
#123 opened by ValentinM27 - 1
Correct command?
#119 opened by urtaevS - 2
telegram settings
#103 opened by magneticlab-ch - 6
docker startup failure
#118 opened by PN62323424 - 4
Bot doesn't get films search result
#117 opened by koznov - 2
Path on config.yaml doubt
#115 opened by facutopa - 1
season selection error
#112 opened by olegosipenko87 - 1
Add tags?
#105 opened by mmosquera91 - 1
Discord support
#104 opened by liq456 - 6
error since update
#107 opened by prodash841 - 4
TV Shows being added from bot as unmonitored?
#101 opened by Truckling - 1
error ubuntu18.04
#106 opened by ldoctoru - 0
Readarr support
#102 opened by aymanbagabas