
RPM to "provide" /bin/lp and /bin/lpr

Fake LPR


RPM to "provide" /bin/lp and /bin/lpr to satisfy the dependency requirements of the redhat-lsb-core package without needing to install CUPS and X11.

For more information:

Please visit our blog post.


  1. We're assuming you're on a CentOS box
  2. Start by installing the pre-requisites:
yum install rpm-build
  1. Download the fake-lpr.spec file in this repo.
  2. Build the package:
rpmbuild -ba fake-lpr.spec


  1. Deploy the generated RPM, or grab a the prebuilt one in this repo.
  2. Install it with:
sudo rpm -ivh fake-lpr-1.0-1.noarch.rpm