
Assignment Description:

Create an application that can help patients around the US to find the cheapest option for treatment. This application will be able to show the user these options in a list format and on a map. The user should be able to sort by price, location and a "best match".

Live version

Links to videos on YouTube

Project Information:

The project utilises the following technologies.

  • Frontend:
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JavaSctipt / JQuery
  • Backend:
    • Go 1.13
  • Database:
    • PostgreSQL 11.5+


Currently tracked via trello.


Currently tracked via trello.

PostgreSQL setup for local dev env:

For dev environment user cms with password secret is required
For unit testing user test with password test is required

Once the users are setup, create databases cms and test_cms

Required extensions:

CREATE EXTENSION earthdistance;

In order to migrate to latest version of DB schema, run:

go run main.go -migrate